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Countdown to 2016 FB Season!

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Scrimmage thoughts:

Offense has a long way to go: QB's can't get on the same page with WR's who can't get open.

O-Line looks improved but still some pass blocking issues.

Davis and Hosick are my leaders so far. Can make plays with legs while still making good throws.

Wells looks the worst out of the group, including Mays. Poor throws, can't move the offense, not mobile.

Defense looks really solid. First team especially. Going to need to rely on that group this year.

Penguin Nation:

"Hosick got the offense a first down but sputtered at midfield and Davis ran for a first down himself on a fourth-and-15 before his drive fizzled out.

“It’s more fun [in those live situations] but I wish we could’ve gone totally live with the quarterbacks,” Hosick said. “That’s where a guy like me or Ricky can separate ourselves by making plays when things break down.

“We would’ve liked to have gotten a couple of those two-minute drills but if we would’ve been able to go live things would’ve been different — I promise that.”"

Interesting quote. I think Hosick is saying what is obvious to everybody except the OC and a few others.  We have talent at the QB position, but will we use it?

IAA Fan:
Just got back myself. Here are some thoughts:

Today's scrimmage only QB ranking:

1. Mays
2. Davis
3. Wells
4. Hosick

Hosick is low because he did not do much outside of his run & he had the #1 offense twice. Scored his TD on and against #2. That being said he truly out-ran 2 corners.

Mays drove for a TD against the #1 D with the #2 O, however, he had #1 TE and TB. Threw into double coverage. Mays is going the start for YSU at some point, but there is too much pressure on Pelini and Montgomery to give him the ball in 2016.

Defense is more aggressive than I saw from them last year.

Sandige has very good hands with 3 catches. Seems to be a favorite for Wells. He is not as strong on the ground.

#30 Alessi is very pleasant surprise & McNutt looks like an FB.

Dortch is going to be very good & seems to be getting some very good coaching. He was giving too much room. Then two coaches worked with him on staying mobile so as not to set up a lane for the back & he came in tight, crossed his arms and hit with his body the rest of the sets.

Not enough line drills, but we definitely have more depth this year. How good it is we will not know until September.

McFadden is using a shoe, even on close kicks, but clearly much improved. He kicks straight on and has almost no arc. Feeling very happy about kicking. I have yet to see much in the way of kickoff this summer.

To his credit Wells is running on almost every play after hand-off. Looks more like he did two years ago. However, we gave him a great deal of "slack" because he was a true frosh. We cannot give him the slack this year ...at least not after week-3. If a couple of receivers step-up ...Wells will be #1.

Well I think that we are ether much better than #5 or 6 in the conference or we are #9, but I expected to be further ahead on August 13. GO GUINS!!!


--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on August 13, 2016, 07:45:35 AM ---Yes thanks Ed for the fine job you and your co-workers do. Sorry if I offended anyone in anyway. It just would be nice to get a little more feedback from the coaches, but I completely understand its their choice. Hopefully a good report will be coming from today's scrimmage ☺

--- End quote ---
Thanks. No offense taken. Yours was not the post that bothered me.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on August 13, 2016, 08:11:43 AM ---Thanks Ed:

One thing that you could pass along (this leads to confusion for me as well); Since I do not live in Ytown, I really only have interest in YSU. So, I basically click on the menu, then sports, then YSU sports. If you do that only 2 of these stories that you listed is there. Well with today's story that makes 3. So you can easily see how people may not think there are many YSU sports stories. It could just be the way the story is tagged; but you may want to tell your site admin.

--- End quote ---

You are correct. I saw this last night when I went to find those links. It is a tagging thing. If a certain box is not checked, the story won't be under the YSU tab, although it will be online. Just more difficult to find. I'm working to fix that so that all future stories will be in a centralized location.


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