YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Penny Penguin

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IAA Fan:
It was actually quite close. In fact the closest of the college votes that round: (Sparty) 528 - 466 (Pete).I suspect some of our friends in An Arbor helped us out, but great job to the Penguin faithful. Now let's get Pete on to the Capital One Mascot Challenge this fall !!!

I understand that there will be better voting this year, so we will keep you posted!!



IAA Fan:
I get tired of seeing that Big Red from Western Kentucky on the mascot challenge. Every time I seem him I think of that episode from "South Park":

Don't forget to bring a towel!

go guins:
 1AA why in the world do you want to conform to what other schools are doing?  Good grief, the "Fear the Penguin" tee shirts are GREAT.  Sets us apart, and you are suggesting we conform to current trends?  Nah. I'm all for the individuality of YSU.  As the de-facto capital city of the rust belt, we need all the positive individuality we can get.  Penny is great and I think we should use her more, not less!

This "off-season" drivel is enough to make my stomach queasy!  Fortunately, I have a 1:00 tee time and dinner plans before the Cavs game, so I don't have to read more of this "stuff".  Reminds me of Jeff Van Gundy's tirade against perfect attendance awards for elementary schools during the Cavs game 5!  Just don’t “mess” with Penny while I’m busy

IAA Fan:
Enjoy your golf ...Penny will still be here when you get back. :)

We have 2-months to fill with no sports ...just trying to keep fans interested. Although I am going to get Pete on the Capital One Challenge!!!


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