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The YO Show:
IAA, your last comment mentions a move to the MAC? I would think we could start a mens soccer program without moving to the MAC. Besides, from previous discussions, aren't you against a move to the MAC? I also thought it was thoroughly debated on here that we could not financially afford a move to the MAC?

IAA Fan:
I am not against a move to the MAC, but I do not think it is practical. Additionally, I refuse to play a former rival without a return game ...especially when they come to YSU in every other sport. The new soccer stadium is a large investment & it is no coincidence that YSU campus Y2K came out about the time we were seriously considered for the MAC. I am very proud of Ron Strollo for what he has been able to do with facilities, especially during a bad turn in the economy, with local investment and matching funds.

YSU is more strategically in-place to attract a better class of students and student-athletes than ever before. We are becoming a campus that is an asset to ANY conference. We do not know how these conference shifts are going to end, or even if we will be involved; but I am happy with the way we are positioned for any potential move. I remember back in the 90's, when the MAC retracted their admission offer; all we heard was how SUNY-Buffalo had just invested  large sums of money on facilities to host the World Collegiate games and how happy the MAC was to have such "high-class" facilities. It was painful to hear about all of our flaws, but certainly a lesson well-learned by the administration. I think that was Strollo's senior season.

I have had the privilege to go to many campuses across this country. I have two nephews, one attends and the other graduated from NIU. That campus is nothing special. I have been to all of the Michigan schools in the MAC & they do not hold a candle to YSU. Ohio University & Miami? Nothing much in terms of facilities over YSU. Let's just say that if this were 1993 all over again, we could "call the MAC's bluff".


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