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Men's basketball recruiting spring signing.

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go guins:
Chief says, "its gonna be a revolving door year after year."
Well, that's the nature of the game these days.  Look at any program, successful (IE OSU or Kentucky) or unsuccessful, and yes, it is a revolving door. 
All this "hating on the coach" is tiring and boring.  I'll tell you something about Coach Slocum.  He isn't perfect.  Somehow, I also suspect our coach hating bloggers aren't either.
You know, I am looking at a bunch of NFL Mock drafts and I find this inescapable fact.  The worst FBS coach is without a doubt Urban Meyer.  I see as many as 6 first round players and 3-4 second round players and he got killed by MSU, who has, what, maybe 1-2 second round players? 
My point is, lighten up and get behind the program, it should be FUN.  College athletics is great fun, IF YOU LET IT.  It can’t possibly be any fun for the hate mongers.  I guess I simply don’t understand.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: go guins on April 27, 2016, 10:45:11 AM ---  I'll tell you something about Coach Slocum.  He isn't perfect.  Somehow, I also suspect our coach hating bloggers aren't either.

--- End quote ---

When I go to work, I bring my A game....every..single...time.  I wouldn't shame or embarrass myself or my employer by performing at any level below my maximum effort.  That attitude and ethic has served me well.

No one and no thing is perfect, so that's just a trite slogan.

Speaking only for myself, I have zero respect seeing mismanagement of something I care about (YSU).  Those that exert feeble efforts and get feeble results are worthy of wholesale scorn and mockery.

If you aren't going to adopt the "Excellence in all things" motto...than at least try...pretend you care....act like you've heard the word "passion" somewhere in your life....

I made note of the quote from moRon in the recent Vindy article where he said, "it was hard to expect much more."  That quote epitomizes the Strollo era and Strollo ethic.

Like I said, at the minimum...at least fake determination.....

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on April 27, 2016, 11:13:13 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on April 27, 2016, 10:45:11 AM ---  I'll tell you something about Coach Slocum.  He isn't perfect.  Somehow, I also suspect our coach hating bloggers aren't either.

--- End quote ---

When I go to work, I bring my A game....every..single...time.  I wouldn't shame or embarrass myself or my employer by performing at any level below my maximum effort.  That attitude and ethic has served me well.

No one and no thing is perfect, so that's just a trite slogan.

Speaking only for myself, I have zero respect seeing mismanagement of something I care about (YSU).  Those that exert feeble efforts and get feeble results are worthy of wholesale scorn and mockery.

If you aren't going to adopt the "Excellence in all things" motto...than at least try...pretend you care....act like you've heard the word "passion" somewhere in your life....

I made note of the quote from moRon in the recent Vindy article where he said, "it was hard to expect much more."  That quote epitomizes the Strollo era and Strollo ethic.

Like I said, at the minimum...at least fake determination.....

--- End quote ---
I'll bet you whatever you want that Strollo and Slocum say they attempt to bring their "A-Game" in everything they do.  You don't always accomplish that, neither do they, but they don't hate you and you DO hate them.  IMO, they deserve better than you!  All I'm going to say on this.

Penguin Nation:
If it is not obvious that renewing Slocum's contract is not an "A game", then it likely never will be.  The AD should at least try to succeed, rather than shrugging his shoulders and collecting a check.

If I were Bobby Hain, I'd be livid that my injury was used as an excuse for underachievement, and the rationale for extending Slocum's contract.  If anything, his injury exposed a lack of depth.

At least the Wolf and BP have passion.  I am able to offer some forgiveness for failure if at least there's an obvious and sincere earnestness to succeed.

When a YSU student gets a "C" on a test that they were capable of getting an "A" on, should they say, "well, that's the best I could hope for"?

Not only is there is not a winning attitude in MBB and the athletic department, I don't think they'd even recognize what a winning attitude looks like.

I mentioned in earlier posts what FAU does to involve students in the athletic programs, and there is nothing near that effort at YSU.

Like I said....at least try.....

go guins:
"When a YSU student gets a "C" on a test that they were capable of getting an "A" on, should they say, "well, that's the best I could hope for"?"

Bringing you’re a game doesn’t always mean performing at an A level.  Even a chronic mediocre student like you should recognize that. 

But suppose he was a D student, and really busted his ass a got the C, then what?

  You are trying to play at the same level as Kentucky and Duke in DOWNTOWN YOUNGSTOWN OHIO.  The "Worst Place to Live in Ohio" according to a reputable poll.   With a program that has been a losing program in a league without natural rivalries etc.   Frankly to hang in with community support like you and your kind provide, I think Slocum has done and admirable job.
“At least the Wolf and BP have passion”
Not sure how you determine that?  Certainly JT didn’t rant on the sideline, but nobody ever doubted his passion.  The extension to Slocum was from JT not Strollo, and don’t ever doubt that for a minute.


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