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Double ET:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on September 03, 2016, 07:36:52 AM ---I'm sure you will have a good time Robmat2571! And Go Guins  fb 8)
As an aside, one of my good friends is a big WVU fan.

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Just the opposite, I told one of of my good friends who used to play Defense End for Missouri that we will take down WVU for him next week.

After graduating from YSU, my son was in U of Pitt studying for his Masters degree in engineering when YSU took down Pitt. Some of his Pitt classmates who went to WVU for their undergraduate degrees (they hated Pitt football) asked my son to buy YSU T-shirts for them to wear while going to their classes in Pitt. It was wild.

The YO Show:
You know, I hope they will sleep on us now that they beat Missouri. They shouldn't though, our conference did well against the Big 12. UNI beat Iowa State, and SDSU gave TCU a game. Thank goodness in previous comments Dana didn't even think FCS teams belonged on the same field as an FBS school (from previous comments)  ::)

He doesn't keep his team very disciplined (judging by off season issues, namely WVU having ALOT more DUIs per year for football players under Dana), and here's thinking that he overlooks us despite MVFC showing against Big 12 just because of his opinion towards FCS.


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on September 03, 2016, 10:49:21 PM ---WVU impressed me on defense today vs Mizzou.

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I agree chief..and Yo it's not the first time UNI has pulled something like this off. Iowa St. is much improved this year and I honestly didn't see this coming. UNI lead the nation last year with 80 yards allowed on the ground and return just about everyone..they will be hard to beat this year

WVU's starting LT tore his ACL in the opener. Done for the year.

The YO Show:
You know,  I'm really thinking that we can keep it a low scoring game with our defense and WVU's offense not performing where it could be yet.


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