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--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on September 11, 2016, 06:07:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on September 11, 2016, 12:49:07 PM ---Illinois St beat Northwestern yesterday.

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Overall a pretty good day for our conference going 7-3 against quality opponents. I'm still thinking the 2 best defenses we will face will be Illinois st. and Northern Iowa. However their offenses seem to be struggling early on

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Good summary.  I agree.  NDSU has an "it" factor because they refuse to lose.

We had a GREAT time at WVU.  100% will go back in two years.  The tailgate lot was so much fun.  They offered us shots, food, beers, Cider... we played corn hole and just had a GREAT time.  During the game some obnoxious YSU fan started cursing and making obscene gestures towards the WVU fans.  When I, wearing my red and white, asked him to sit down and behave... me and my group became instant royalty.  Just like everything in life... treat others as you would like to be treated.  Kudos to you WVU... I'll be back and rooting for you guys in the Big 12!

We were seated behind the YSU band but next to a student section.  Many obnoxious students very drunk and rowdy. No sign of police or ushers to control this bunch. Could have been a scene but most of the YSU fans ignored the comments. Late in the game one fan was being thrown out. He was a YSU student and I thought to myself "why don't you throw out the WVU students too".  But I knew the answer to that. On the way out of the game one of our group almost went over to the WVU student to get involved but cooler heads prevailed.

On the other hand we were greeted with good wishes from those in the purple tailgate lot and a few in the stadium. We appreciated their respect for us.  Found a great place to eat and drink called the Varsity Club. Although we had to wait to enter by being placed on a list, once inside the food and drink were excellent and we were treated to a round of drinks from a WVU fan named Butch who was a hoot but a great fan who made a big deal about the football game and us coming from Youngstown.  He treated us like family and I would say we appreciated his and his friends hospitality.  Now if the students would have only behaved it would have been 100% pleasant.  Don't know if I will return to that atmosphere in the stands.

Listened to the post game press show on the radio.  Coach Holgorsen was very kind and said good things about our effort. A couple of comments from him.  He thought we were well prepared and YSU came to play and it took a half to wake WVU up. The long passes for TD's were a result of our safeties having to come up to support our linebackers who could not plug the run holes.  Once they kept edging up, and they were involved in run stopping, and there was no threat of a blitz, their QB was able to launch his passes over our heads. he thought his team was conditioned well in the heat (none of WVU player had leg cramps) and it was just a matter of time when WVU would wear us down.  He was not happy with some calls from the officials but refused to comment on calls against YSU.  There were other comments but he seemed honest and fair in his press conference and heaped a lot of praise on YSU and said he knows we will have a successful season - we are good.

My twin and I were at the WVU game yesterday. Let me say we parked at the Coliseum and walked to the stadium of course we were in the tailgate lot. I found the WVU fans very welcoming. We talked to alot of their fans(and even sat with me). Their fans offered us food and beverage. Really great people. They do love their football team. Highlight of the day was: getting our picture taken with the Mountaineer. FYI I was the one who was carrying a stuff Pete the Penguin

As for the game. I thought we played well the 1,2, and 4th quarter. We really need to play a 4 qtr game.


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