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Penguin Nation:
Take a few drops away and it'd be a different game.

Next week we play a hapless 0-2 NEC team, and other than resting injured players, it'll set us back.  Kent, who would pay us >$300k to play 45 minutes away, just lost to a MEAC team (ranked below YSU)  at home.  Scheduling malpractice.

Was at the game. Really hot which I think hurt us on the defensive front.  Pass defense is what did us in for the most part.  For the level of opponent I think our offence was ok and our run defense ok. Special teams was a pleasant surprise.

I know our defensive coaches are really top notch so I guess they thought we needed to play man most of the time and single coverage on some really tall fast receivers.  Maybe that is what made our run defense as good as it was.

As for their fans I think they were great.  Treated really well. My worst experience was the 99 championship game again Georgia Southern; really bad.  The OSU fans were not great for sure the 2 times in Columbus. Also the South Dakota fans were really nice out there.

WVU has tremendous skill and speed at WR. They are all over NFL rosters. Don't be too discouraged.

The WVU QB dropped some perfect balls on those deep routes, tip of the hat to him not much you can do there.

Otherwise we held our own all other phases.

If Ricky is out then that's a bigger loss than just getting an L in the W-L column. It will also to be amusing to watch us get less votes in the polls which happens after every one of these games.

We have a long way to go to being a championship team. A few drops really. Hell we almost got picked 6 twice .  We were lucky.  Our QB play was mediocre and they even dummied down the offense for Davis.  Run Run Ricky can't be the whole offense. We missed Webb big play abiiity.  I listened to the press conference and Pelini hit it on the nose they need to coach better.  Missouri played a deep cover 2 to limit Wv going long on them.  Made them throw underneath.  What did we do. Not that.  Even Alexander said they bit time after time on the run fake and left the CB's on an island by themselves.  We never adjusted to that. Too many third and longs. This is a 6 or7 win team at best unless we get better play from The Secondary which trust me the conference took notes on this game at QB.  Vanilla offense QB locks on WR 1. Needs work on Reading Defenses and at the first sight of trouble runs , which the opponents will want.  Oh Rb's or average no Homerun threat there and what happened to Ruiz he always got better as the game went on.  WRs mediocre on getting separation other than the big play and a few to Scott.  Punter did good.  Why no bubble screens that would help on early downs get positive yardage etc.  Our QB play and WR play hasn't improved other than they are mobile.  We have the bullsh** game next week then it gets serious.  Sorry I want us to win but what I saw was not what gonna get us to the playoffs. 

Other than the deep balls we played great.  Too much depth to run around in that heat hurt us.  Overall was very pleased with the tenacity and not backing down to the pushing and shoving attitude of the WR and DB from WVU.  Nice to see a little chip on the shoulder.  Going to be an interesting run through the conference this year.  Hosick looked good, not having Webb hurt also.  Very pleased with the defense against the run..very few sustained drives. 



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