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Spring Game

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go guins:

--- Quote from: Penquin68 on April 17, 2016, 10:42:34 AM ---Last year I thought Ricky Davis should have been allowed to throw more and that he would be the productive QB and win the staring job. I am coming to the same conclusion after the Spring Game.
We have small quick backs and a questionable Oline.  Without the threat of the QB run, our offense is in trouble.  Davis is very quick and willing to run and has shown he can run effectively.  And he can throw.  Wells is a good thrower, but with no run option the defenses have our number, especially late in the game.

Ricky should start with Hosick in the hunt to start or back up.  I don't think we have a chance doing the same thing as last year.

--- End quote ---
Is there an unwritten sentence in you post that says "because our coaches are all more stupid than any fan?"  You say “Davis can throw”, but is that based on anything anybody has ever seen, our just because it help makes your argument?   I suspect they don’t let Davis throw, because he can’t throw.  And with no O-line, NOBODY is going to consistently gain ground rushing.  QB runs are NOT a cure all for bad O-line play.   What will happen is your QB is going to get clobbered and be our injured.  Seriously, we’ve seen the spring game, you can’t see 2 cents difference in QB’s from that practice and the question about any of last season’s redshirts etc. do anything is all that is relevant at this point.

IAA Fan:
68, you do need to realize that Davis is playing at a much higher level than last year. So if you liked then, you will really like him now.

There is no QB conspiracy, just have to weigh everything.

I have always liked Mays & certain people said he will never start for this program. Well, he can start now if we put him in there, but there is no reason. I can say this, he has a bit of a baseball throwing style when he drops straight back ...a lot easier to pick those guys off, because they throw just above defenders heads. Yet despite this, I see huge potential in the guy & he is our future.

Davis is stepping up into his potential as well. Yet again, Wells has a much stronger arm & that will be hard to beat.

I watched Ricky Davis in the Spring Game last year I think it was or the year before that and in my opinion he threw the ball well.  I saw a few throws in games last year and got the same impression; he throws well.  Maybe he can't read defenses or learn the system; not sure there.  And I don't advocate a running QB, but on third down it sure helps when no one is open or when our backs get the ball, his fake has meaning to the defense. I still think with our talent, he gives us the best chance to win compared to what we saw last year.  The two new QB's, not sure, but he looked better to me compared to them in the Spring Game.

The YO Show:
I trust the coaches will make the right decision on the QB. There is potential here to have a great season this year and a good team. We just will need to see how the line and the receivers come together.

NDSU was able to win regardless of who was at QB because they have the offensive line play, special teams, and defense to do it.  Tressel won with Tidwell, who was a game manager because all the other facets were there.  You can make safe throws to the TE's and throw screens when you can run the ball.  Lets not forget the formula to success.  We don't need a great QB, we just don't need stupid mistakes.  We also need a group that can prove to the fans they wont give up when the breaks are beating them.


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