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Spring Game

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--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on April 16, 2016, 08:48:31 AM ---I listened to the WKBN feed which simultaneously played the Sean Hannity show, until the feed went out completely in Q4. 

I thought Hannon and Sammarone were honest in their QB assessments.  They discussed Wells' issues with pick 6's, lack of mobilty, and specifically discussed his lack of toughness, particularly after a play where he took an early dive to avoid contact.  Sammarone spoke of the negative impact that lack of toughness has on the team as a whole.

Davis, who had the best passing efficiency and rushing yards of any YSU QB last year, again outperformed Wells as Davis had two scoring drives (Wells zero, Mays one).

Wells had a better Freshman year, regressed in his Sophomore year, and there is no indication that he will produce better results in 2016. Honestly, the best thing for Wells would be a program suitable for a pro style QB with a solid o line and strong receiver unit.

At least Hosick has the excuse of learning a new system, and in my opinion, the QB competition should be for the back-up between Mays and Hosick.  Wells, if he doesn't transfer, would be the nuclear option if all others are injured.


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Even NDSU had the QB running the ball in tough situations.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on April 16, 2016, 09:04:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on April 16, 2016, 08:57:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on April 15, 2016, 10:13:12 PM ---Thanks everyone. really great crowd!!!

In short:

Hosick who? If the season started tomorrow, Davis would start and Mays would be his back-up. No O-line of any kind, so no running either. Wells made deliberate running attempts, and was obviously trying to look-off his receivers; but still has the best "cannon". Would not surprise me to seem him keep his job.

Good coverage plays today, but white corners never saw the ball. Speed seems up this year. I would say that coach M is spot-on with his analysis.

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Ricky Davis is playing well enough that I would actually consider moving Trent Hosick to Running back. The question is can Ricky do this on a consistent basis? Wells is still the best passer we have, but from what I heard last night on the radio that wouldn't do much good. Coach M is spot on and has his work cut for him

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The reason he has his work cut out is his own fault.  They are the ones solely responsible for getting the kids to come and making it interesting enough for them to stay.  Right?  Why do we always have these issues when others do not?

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When discussing the issues with the receivers and the o line on Rick and Roth, he seemed oblivious to the fact that he was the OC for 6 years, and all of the shortcomings of the offense are a direct result of his stewardship of the offense.

Unless there are some FCS transfers, I don't see how this offense allows the team to make a deep playoff run. 

The YO Show:
Wick, if you looked at the projected roster, it did indeed appear to be one's vs twos. Now maybe it wasn't that way 100%, but it was for the most part. You had pretty much all the offensive starters on the white team (Ruiz, Webb, Harvin, Hosick, but not just the skill players. Look at the OL for the white: Justin Spencer, Sims, Cole Newsome, Fraser, Colucci, Zinni.

The red team had the following: Hunter Wells and Ricky Davis, and Isiah Scott along with the amazing defense: Avery Moss, Leroy Alexander, Derek Rivers, David Rivers, Dellovade, Cody Squiric
I'm sure Isiah will be a starter given he had good performance in comparison to all the other WRs but is probably on this squad for balance.

So I do think it was a sorta hybrid 1st team offense vs 1st team defense. Majority of the 1st team offense was on white with the 1st team defense mostly on the red. There seemed to be a couple of balancing things (eisenhuth on the red team and Fraser playing on both at line). But I think this does reflect that our offense needs alot of work in comparison to our defense (and our defense looks even improved from last year).

I don't think there was a whole lot of difference between any of the QBs. I think maybe Ricky looked the best, but I liked what I saw from Hosick too. And Wells would have been fine if anyone blocked or managed to catch a pass hitting them in the hands. I'm very concerned about the WRs. Not a whole lot we can do, but we certainly need to improve on the oline some and the receivers have to not mimic Greg Little in his heyday for the Browns.

I think maybe we can make some adjustments and get better with Fall camp, but we will have a tough year if the offense does not make those improvements.

The O-Line needs to get healthy and get some continuity going or this will be a long season. Got beat up front badly last year. Were never able to run the ball effectively and Wells was a sitting duck because defenses were not worried about the play action at all and he cannot move at all. Davis and Hosick will give us the best chance to win because they can run, when things break down (and they will).

Another issue I have is the WR's. Who's going to step up besides Harvin and be that guy that the QB can rely on? Davis seems like he's comfortable with Scott. We shall see.

We still have issues at WR, punting, and we better go out and get more O lineman.  There was no way you could say which QB was better. I don't know who the WR coach is but since Coach Coleman left it seems like we are not coaching up our WR's .  Still don't see what I want at QB.  But again there was no way to tell.  I already know that Davis and Hosick can run.  I wanted to see them make throw the ball, to be a dual threat QB you have to keep the D honest with your throwing and right now Davis and Hosick are not anywhere close to being a dual threat.  So just like the receivers there is little identity or separation.    I think Pelini will not get us deep into the playoffs until we get a tougher identity on offense.  It's not just Wells that is supposedly soft I don't see much nastiness on the line or any part of the offense.  The one poster keeps picking on one player and I think as a whole our offense seems passive.  Anyways there is a lot of work to be done.


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