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Can We Finally Forget About the MAC?

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Wick 250 or anyone else on the topic of Athletic budgets. I am wondering why do we not accept tax money for our Athletic budget.  It would help would it not.  I know it is so called "noble" to not accept tax money but should not the tax money allow us to field better competitive teams.....why not??????????????

Legitimate responses are?

IAA Fan:
That is good question EL, I was not aware that we do not accept tax revenues for sports. Being a bottom-feeder (in terms of tax dollar$), I can see us needing to place everything that we do receive into the general student fund though. I know that we have certain tax restrictions tied into the Affordable Tuition Advantage program.


Several decades ago, athletic director Malmisur often stated that his department had to generate all the revenue to pay for scholarships in every sport.  At the time, that was a true statement, but it was also misleading.  Fans assumed that this meant that YSU athletics was completely self-funded, but that was never the case.  Even then we needed "institutional support" funds to cover such non-scholarship expenses as travel, equipment, insurance, facilities maintenance.  That institutional support came from tuition, fees, and the state subsidy from tax dollars.  So we always operated, in part, with tax money.  Athletic director Strollo, with his finance background, can verify this information and explain it much better than I can.  Notice that Strollo never repeats Malmisur's claim, because expenses have skyrocketed so much in recent years that we are even more heavily dependent upon institutional support, as is every state school in Ohio not named OSU.

Still searching for an answer. Then as Wick 250 states athletic state tax money is being channeled into the general fund for funds to cover such non-scholarship expenses as travel, equipment, insurance, facilities maintenance.  Why can we not ask and expand our request to receive more state tax money like the other state schools apparently do to increase our YSU's athletic budget for salaries and scholarships  (it is our state tax money is it not).

The Plain Dealer did a detailed series on general fund athletic subsidy by public institution this week. To your question, each institution gets state subsidy and also generates revenue by tuition and fees. The state subsidy is determined by formula based on enrollment, graduation, and retention rates. For most Ohio publics this represents between 20-25% of budget. How each institution allocates its money between academic and other needs is an institutional decision made by the BOT and administration. If the state were to give institutions more or less money they decide where that money goes or what is cut. The state doesnt give money for this purpose or that purpose, with the exception of capital funds which are allocated separately.


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