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Who is gone?

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Penguin Nation:
A Vindy perspective sans the Slocum enabling and praise:


I know the Slocum apologists wont like it but here is the list of players who have left just in the last 4 years....

Sheldon Brogdon

Shaun Stewart

Marcus Keene

Ronnye Beamon

Jalon Plummer

Ryan Weber

Osandi Vaughn

Kyle Steward

Larry Johnson Jr

Jordan Andrews

Mind boggling to me that this man still has a job.

Penguin Nation:
FWIW, from a business perspective, recruiting talent costs way more than retaining talent through efforts directed at employee satisfaction.

This would be a great piece of investigative journalism.  Why does YSU willfully sabotage MBB?  How much $$ has that sabotage cost YSU?  Instead we get lapdog "journalism" in the local media.

IAA Fan:
So what is a "Slocum Apologist"? I would think that two things are required:

1. You dislike Slocum
2. You feel compelled to be apologetic for something ...person, record, whatever.

So would that not make you the "Slocum Apologist"? I mean I am fully-aware of our program and I certainly apologize for nothing; including players/staff that have left.

What makes me laugh are the haters and complainers, as they will never enjoy anything that happens in any YSU sport; as that would mean they have nothing to complain about. If YSU basketball was coming off of a 24-2 season, you would still sit in your butts at home and complain that the opponent was only Geneva, or a lower-end HL member, or YSU lost to a nobody in last year's play-in game. If you don't believe me, look back at how empty our football stands were back in 1989 - 1999 ...yet here so many years later these same people talk with such fondness of those times when half of you (at least) were not even there. What were there 1,000 YSU fans at Huntington in any given national championship game? If you drove 35mph it would take 5 hours to get there. I saw more people at the first title game in Georgia. "Oh I am not going to drive all 2-3 hours to Columbus to see the team get their a$$es kicked" ...sound familiar? When we go tot the first game, we discovered that we could not afford all of the tickets that we needed (we were hoping to get cheap seats the days of the game). So a few of us went in the shoe and a few of us tailgated and watched it on TV ...IN COLUMBUS. I had plenty to complain about, as the scalpers had little under $100; we had our back sides handed to us and we clearly were told to play "vanilla", they even made our band perform after the game. However, this is what we do as fans. So if you do not like the price or the performance ...so what? Don't go.

Back to MBB. Well, we can dump $400k a year into another coach and we are not going to be much over .500, but you will still complain, then years from now, comment on how nice it was to once have a coach that got us over .500. BTW, has there ever been more 1,000 at a WBB game? I was at 3 this year and I did not see even that many. Put your $$$ where your mouth is.

Penguin Nation:

Are there ppl in the YSU community that are never pleased? Of course.  There are those ppl everywhere.  I'm not sure how that's relevant.

The issue here is why does the athletic department at YSU govern MBB in such a way as to guarantee its failure?  We know what 11 years of Slocum produced.  We know what any future with him will produce.  Wanting YSU MBB to thrive and achieve its potential is not being a "hater and complainer."

This year YSU MBB played an uncharacteristically challenging OOC schedule. Oakland (from memory, not looking it up) has for years played a brutal OOC schedule, raised a ton of $$, and although struggled at first has recently elevated itself to one of the top HL programs.  I always thought that was a great strategy that YSU could employ, and hopefully that is the direction we are headed, but those efforts are wasted if our HC can't retain talent, can't encourage community involvement, can't recruit, and can't mount winning campaigns.


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