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Who is gone?

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IAA Fan:
OKay ...riddle me this batman ...

1. Do we know why he is leaving?
2. Do we know where he is going?

Here is what we do know:

1. He is not as good of a guard as Davis
2. He is not as good of a guard as Santiago
3. He is not as good of a guard as Morse
4. He gave us a solid 20-minutes per game and averaged just over 7.9-points per game.
5. Needs work on rebounding.

It is a loss no doubt.

Andrews has a big upside.  Great stroke with good b-ball skills.  He just needs maturity as any other frosh.  Hate to see him leave.

it doesn't matter if he wasn't as good he was a fresh and we need depth on the bench.  So instead of building a player to get to his Senior year.  Another school gets him.  Sorry don't buy it.

This is the third straight year we lost a good player.  Basically 3 starters .  Ryan Weber averaged 10.5 pts at Ball st.  The kid we just lost was a top fresh on its all league newcomer team.  I boycotted last year and I am boycotting again till a change is made.

Penguin Nation:
I posted this article on a related thread earlier this month, but it seems timely to bring it back:


It is an article from 2011.  Here is an excerpt:

"He’s also struggled to keep players. Six have left in the last 12 months, with another, Devonte Maymon, likely to leave after this season. If you make the argument that most of them needed to go — something I’ve heard — well, who recruited them in the first place?"

This is not just the last three years, but losing talent is an ongoing pattern with Slocum. The next sentence summarizes the absurdness of renewing Slocum's contract:

"Slocum isn’t going to change."

Five years later we know Scalzo was correct....Slocum doesn't change....and yet moRon renews his contract anyway.

The following sentence summarizes moRon's hamster wheel brain:

"Athletic director Ron Strollo isn’t satisfied with winning 25 percent of the Horizon League games every year but he also doesn’t want to make a change just for change’s sake."

Umm...yeah....you wouldn't be making "a change just for change’s sake"....you f***ing idiot.....you'd be salvaging what used to be revenue sport that is also an epic embarrassment.


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