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Donlon fired at WSU.

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I respectfully disagree because that younger coach played div 1 basketball and knows the fundamentals needed ...As far as recruiting goes why do you think Slocum would be better than anyone we could hire...11 years worth of recruiting produced 1 winning season


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 21, 2016, 11:17:28 AM ---not true jbags. A young go-getter would not have Slocum's ability to recruit and coach fundamental-to-collegiate ball that is required for the type of players that we can recruit to YSU. The young guy would have to live off of what Slocum handed him and then would crash in about 3-4 years ...if not sooner. Clearly we all want a winning team, but at what expense? Football? Women's sports? "Never gonna happen".

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Having a winning team should not come at an expense to any other team. It's called getting a competent coach who actually acts like he enjoys coaching and being at Youngstown State University instead of looking miserable 24/7. To your 1st point... Let's look at the women's side. Bolden, Barnes. Both very young guys, getting an opportunity and look where it took them and this program. Slocum's ability to coach fundamental-to-collegiate basketball is laughable. If that means continuing to pass the ball around the perimeter and shoot 3's and play ZERO defense, then yes you are correct. I'm sorry I-AA, but you need to take off the Slocum tinted glasses and realize that this man has had 2 winning seasons in 11 seasons. That SHOULD be unacceptable for any university but apparently is acceptable by this administration.... Sad.

Penguin Nation:
I'm going to tell myself that they are buffing his resume for work ELSEWHERE in the post-Slocum era....whenever that is.


key words:  ELSEWHERE: meaning somewhere other than YSU, not here, cuz you suck

Fan, I admire your loyalty, I truly do, but be careful not to give up your credibility. JS is what he is a very mediocre D1 head coach. If he is that great of a recruiter and a teacher of fundamentals, then he must be very weak elsewhere.

I have to believe that there are several young bucks out there that would jump at the chance to be the hc at any D1 program even at our money. Energy, excitement and if they could turn things around they have a great looking resume. Bolden

IAA Fan:
It is not loyalty, I give that in any case. It is the atmosphere and program that is in place at a certain cost. I certainly want and expect more; but we are not going to get it without a $600k to $750k investment in coaches. There is no way that we are going to pay the MBB coach more than the FB coach. It is a never-ending spiral. We recruited like a real team for FIRST time this year ...even though it came at the expense of staff and other players... which is why I support Slocum's extra year ...that is all. This is a good team and there is no reason to turn it over to some MM assistant because he is from Youngstown.

By the way, if we had a chance to hire Butler's Holtmann a couple of years ago I would have been jumping for joy. So that is the only fair comparison to Barnes with the women's program. We took the assistant from the top team in the conference.

I just want a successful FB team again & I know how much our b***s are strapped with title IX. I just do not want to see the money wasted.


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