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Spring Football Practice Updates

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I could care less which quarterback wins the competition, but I am convinced that we will have much better play from that critical position next season.  This coaching staff was embarrassed last season.  It will not happen again.

The YO Show:
Can we keep it classy guys? We are all penguin fans here.  :-\ :'(. Regardless of how you feel that Wells did last year, the coaches will properly vet out who will be the starter in spring and fall camp. And you know what, if Wells really improved and / or is still the best option in the coaches mind, you will have to see in game results in this year to complain about it. For all we know, if we go through the camp and Wells wins the position, why complain based solely on last year's record? Anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt if they truly may have improved or are the best option.

I think he proved my point.   fb

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on March 21, 2016, 12:01:20 PM ---1AAFan do you have any thoughts on the Saturday practice? Im going out today to check out the "D" Hopefully they have it outside

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Sorry. I typed out quite a bit and it did not save. I will try to recreate, but I know I will miss a lot:

QB: I do not know what the Vindy's Wilaj is smoking, but right now Hosick is #4 out of 5 and Davis is the CLEAR starter. I cannot believe how much Davis' arm has improved. Monty had him at #1 in rotation the entire practice. Hosick is very consistent so far, but only two practices does not tell much. Again trust your coaches. The upside for Mays is terrific, I hope he sticks around.

TB: Sidney Sandidge is also looking extremely good and #1 in the rotation with Jody. He seems so much bigger than last year. Moore is still hurt. Limping and playing with a brace. Too bad. he put on weight, cannot tell if it is inactivity or working out. Pearson is gone; I suspect he will be on Marshall's roster. Sndige is bigger and faster. this year. I like his style. He hits harder and the steps back ahead outside. His TD was awesome. They hit him, he stepped back and hit the right side and went all the way. Was it just me or was Ruiz not playing either?

p/k: They had a punting contest to see who could hit the peak of WATTS with a punt. It was nice to see Sheely, Kennedy and Pizanias hit it. Pizanias was perfect in his place kicking but lacks in punting. Lots of power but no accuracy. He punt soccer style ...very odd looking. Of course, being indoors, they all look good.

I have a lot of concern in the non-skill depth. We do have Shane Kuhne at long snapper. He is the clear #1 in catches as a TE. Also at TE, Wood looking good as expected.

WR: Shackleford and Torbert look nice, but both are with the the #2's. Swanson was in at #1. Tall kid from Mooney is real nice looking and listed as a redshirt, odd he was not here last year. Scoot seems to have his routes down ...could be good. I have some video I will try to post.

#17 looks real nice at LB ...kind of short but plays real tall. #34 Nash is also going to be good. Did not see why Moss was in street clothes. Larkin will pick up where he left off.

Still too many questions at line, but I like the local flavor.

Lots of recruits at Saturday's practice and needless to say thee kids and parents all talked about WATTS and coach P. Nice atmosphere.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on March 21, 2016, 08:19:11 PM ---Can we keep it classy guys? We are all penguin fans here. 

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I agree, I just cannot understand the need to cross the line


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