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Article by Scalzo

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Strollo is on record that the $$$ to do this is just not there. Would it be a great fit and make sense? Yes. Could it happen down the road? Sure, but don't look for it anytime soon. Just be glad we have a nice money game with W.V.U. to help with travel expenses(etc) for this year. I'm not sure how much longer the FCS schools can get games like that

go guins:
“Strollo is on record that the $$$ to do this is just not there.”  Actually this is the end of the story, not the beginning.  The MAC does NOT make sense financially. PERIOD
“Would it be a great fit and make sense?”  Geographically, yes, but in any other sense, no.  We are completive in track and maybe softball.  NO OTHER SPORT IS CURRENTLY OPPERATING AT A MAC COPETITIVE LEVEL.  Everything including new facilities would need to be created. The MAC does NOT MAKE SENSE, on many levels, including money.
“Could it happen down the road? Sure, but don't look for it anytime soon.”  I disagree.  I think NO NEVER, and why?  Read above!
“ Just be glad we have a nice money game with W.V.U. to help with travel expenses (etc) for this year. I'm not sure how much longer the FCS schools can get games like that” My guess? Not long, but then I’m opposed to institutionalized prostitution and so I think this is a good thing. 

Penguin Nation:
A few years old, but this writer believes YSU membership in the MAC would work.


Another article re:the entire MAC dropping to FCS...with a surprising amount of support of the idea.  Prolly no way it would happen, but it would make sense for Toledo and NIU to upgrade (C-USA?), and every else to drop to FCS.


On one hand, the $$ is simply not there.  On the other, there is a reason Bo brought this topic up.

go guins:
15000 fans average for a team with a winning record maybe, but what about a 3-9 team with no playoff prosects ever?  maybe 6000, 4000?  Remember, we didn't average 15000 this past season and we had a new exciting coach and were in the playoff hut until the end of the year.  Then what, buy the tickets to give them away like Akron?  This is completely unworkable for YSU (or Akron either!)

MAC droping to 1AA makes sense if Toledo and NIU move on, but that will never pass the egos of schools and puts them in the same mess we are if the big money games go away.

Penguin Nation:
Agree. I don't think the ESPN $$, the savings in travel, the enhanced money game revenue, and likely increased loge and gate revenue would overcome the increase in coaches salaries, increased scholarship costs (which would be massive as you'd have to add female FCOA scholarships in addition to 85 FCOAs for the men).

Unless there are donors offering to pony up millions, I don't see it. I think FB would be successfull and even be in bowl games from the start of eligibility. But most other sports would get their clocks cleaned.

But my info is limited. Surely Bo knows immensely more than I do.....and he's advocating it for a reason.


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