YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Article by Scalzo

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He is an excellent writer

Should we be reading between the lines with regard to the title?

Penguin Nick:
I can only dream one day we will be in the MAC, where we belong.  Fan interest in all sports would be so much greater in the MAC.  Plus we could travel to away games so easy.

Penguin Nation:
I wish.  I would love it.

It's my understanding that the MAC TV contract does not pay for adding 22 additional schollies and FCOA for all 85.  If we add 22 mens schollies, do we also need to add womens' schollies?

Money games would pay more, including again playing BIG games, and hopefully gate revenue would spike (although it would need to spike a lot to meet FBS minimums).

If we went in for all sports. the conference RPI is much higher for both MBB and WBB.  The MBB, in its current state, would be blown away.

I'd like to think Akron and Kent would welcome it, as it is a regional opponent that likely would improve desperately needed attendance figures as well as lower travel costs.

Regarding Bo, I doubt he'd just randomly say this.  The MAC wants to replace U Mass, and I suspect NDSU or JMU would be stronger candidates, but perhaps the MAC has tired of transient short term members, and YSU would be seen as more committed.  So maybe there are ongoing discussions.

Also, the IL members of the MVFC are in dire financial straights, and the loss of any (or all) of them makes YSU MVFC membership even less appealing.

Fingers crossed.

It's not going to happen due to the financial issues at YSU in general. The entry fee alone would be a couple million dollars. No way it happens.

go guins:
"I can only dream one day we will be in the MAC, where we belong.  Fan interest in all sports would be so much greater in the MAC."

I read this stuff and say "WHAAAAT?"  You mean like the fan interest in all sports has gone up at Akron?  This move for Akron has been a disaster and we want to repeat it?  I certainly hope not!
As I've said before, what we need is 1AA for MBB and WBB.  NOT 1A for football!


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