YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Looks like Slocum will be back!

<< < (7/19) > >>

Penguin Nation:
Slocum's best season (10-8) would be considered mediocre by most HL teams, and a terrible season by 3-4 teams.

Maybe, if all goes well, we will rise to the level of mediocre again.

It's all a broken record. Nothing will change until he's gone. I will not be at another game.

Unreal .   Let's see how many players transfer out.   We are  a national joke.  Beeghly will be so empty next year.

Strollo needs to address media explaining why he is keeping Slocum.   Man up and address media

He can't reply to the media.  It is all about $$$.  YSU has no money to replace him.  He makes $150,000 and Tress knows that he needs more $$$ to land a coach that can get the program going in the right direction.  YSU is laying off professors, laying off support staff and he cannot justify paying $200,000 for a new coach.  That is why Strollo cannot address the media...he is backing Tress on this and has to tow the company line.


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