YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Looks like Slocum will be back!

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Here is a quote from Slocum in today's Vindicator: "The basketball future is really bright for us."  His reasoning is that he played so many freshmen and sophomores.  Guess what.  Freshmen and sophomores who play no defense whatsoever grow up to be juniors and seniors who play no defense whatsoever.

Who is responsible for this travesty?  I am, and some of you are responsible too.  Each year, I dutifully renew my season tickets, although I have attended only a handful of men's games in the last two seasons.  No more.  If the rumors about Slocum's return are true, I will continue to go to the women's games, but I will not spend a nickel on men's basketball until the university proves to me that they actually care.

Penguin Nation:
Eric Wolford was fired the Monday after his last game.  Let's see what tomorrow brings....and hope the only sane decision is made.

Penguin Nation:
Vindy article regarding Slocum's contract renewal.....5 years ago.


Some interesting excerpts:

"Despite a 20-loss season, Slocum will be retained for the final year of his contract by the university.  After finishing last for the fifth time in 10 seasons in the Horizon League..."

"Since joining the Horizon League in 2001-02, the Penguins have averaged four conference wins each year and eight wins overall."

"...he’s also failed to produce even one winning season and, over the past two winters, has won a combined four league games."

"He makes no effort to build relationships with fans or boosters — something Robic, as prickly as he was, at least tried to do — and he’s even worse with the media. He’s particularly bad after losses, where his press conferences often last less than 90 seconds and he sneers at questions he doesn’t like.

He’s also struggled to keep players. Six have left in the last 12 months, with another, Devonte Maymon, likely to leave after this season. If you make the argument that most of them needed to go — something I’ve heard — well, who recruited them in the first place?"

"More surprising, there doesn’t seem to be any outrage from fans, boosters or school officials about the sad state of the basketball program.

Until enough people speak up and the school decides to make a strong financial commitment to fielding a competitive basketball team, the Penguins will continue to pay rent in the Horizon League’s basement."


There is a saying, "What you tolerate is what will continue." So very true.

Get rid of him now!   Be sorry if they keep him...

If they bring him back, I will be very upset. Haven't been to a mens game in 2 years. That will continue if he's kept.


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