YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Looks like Slocum will be back!

<< < (3/19) > >>

Another one and done in the tourney for Jerry.... Sad, so sad.

Slocum another double digit loss.  Now 4-12 tournament record.  But Tressel and Strollo plan to bring him back.  Pathetic.

I used to attend most games and only attended 1 this year and it was against American.. As long as Jerry is the coach I'll never attend another game.  It won't get better by keeping him. 11 years of pathetic play proves it.  Ysu basketball has become a joke and embarrassment.  Good luck with Slocum behind the bench. 

Mr. Strollo and President Tressel, Please, I plead to you... let Slocum go.  It is time.  I understand that there are financial considerations at stake.  However, I truly believe that some of the financial issues would be eased by a renewed interest in the MBB program.  I used to come to a half dozen games a year but, I lost all int0erest and hope 3 or 4 years ago.  I haven't been back since.  A change in leadership might not give us substantially different results on the court but, it will give us hope for the future.  Right now, there is no hope:(  At this point, that's all we are asking for... hope!

Anger at least means people care. People get angry about football. There is very little anger anymore regarding mens basketball. Thats the worst thing that can happen.  If 300 people went to the UIC game, more people were at the mens club hockey game at the Ice Zone a couple of weeks ago. These people paid $5 to watch a game that started at 930 and stood around a cold rink. 


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