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Looks like Slocum will be back!

(1/19) > >>

I have heard that he will be back for another year.  If true I am very disappointed .

I have not attended a mens game in 2 years. Will continue as long as he is on the bench.

YSUGO, I think you are correct.   I was at the Poland vs Salem game last night, and two people who likely would know told me that Slocum will return, and that it is Tressel who saved him.

This is very disappointing, and the message from YSU is we don't care about men's basketball!  I honestly don't believe any other D-1 program in the country would allow this to continue.  Slocum has been a failure.

He is 23-0 at teams Like Thiel, Geneva, and Westminster, I don't see other D-1 programs playing this many D-3 opponents, his record is awful even with those wins.  His tournament record is 4-11, which is a .267 winning percentage,    His conference regular season record is 52-136, which is a .277 winning percentage. I could go on and on, but how can any athletic administration justify this.

I know the spin will be Bobby Hain's injury, when did Bobby Hain become Larry Bird?????  Also many of Slocum's losses this year were not competitive losses, so it would not have mattered if Hain would have played.

This team had multiple 30 plus point losses.  Even more concerning should be the lack of interest in the program.  THE UIC game had maybe 300 people. 

He also treats people like garbage, I hear only Robb Schmidt in the athletic department likes him.  I sincerely believe that Strollo may be afraid of him, I am serious.

He has no impact in the community, other than YSU mandated events, you never see him.

YSU men's basketball is D-1 in name only.  John Robic's overall record and conference record were better than Slocum, and he got fired after 6 years. 


That was the best summary about the state of men's basketball posted on this board in many years. 

Penguin Nation:
This, if true, would be such utter lunacy that I am unable to believe it. 

However, if true, that means his fully expired contract was again renewed.  It obviously couldn't be renewed based on performance.  Take into consideration that there are other HL HC's that were fired with winning records.

There was a Vindy article years back where Strollo was quoted as saying winning championships was not the goal.  I truly take his word for that.

This would be yet another occurrence of a long list of Athletic Department malpractice, misuse of funds, and lost opportunities to use athletics as a means to elevate the University as a whole.  The local media, if objective and independent, would treat this as the multi-million dollar scandal that is is. 

f*** them.  If the University is determined to field hopeless, noncompetitive, and grossly under matched teams then fine.  I don't pay student fees anymore and don't pay Ohio state income taxes, so I am not personally funding this atrocity.  I have zero respect for anyone associated with this program, which is obviously designed to fail.  The only question that remains is, is it designed to fail because of epic incompetence and ignorance, or rather cronyism and "the good old boys network"?  Since the ignorance required to do this would be so profound, I have to conclude that it is corruption and cronysim, which is far less forgivable than ignorance.

Since the same people manage other sports, we readily see why FB has had one playoff season in 15 years.  MBB is a symptom of a much larger disease.


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