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Ricky & Roth On Rookery Radio

<< < (4/12) > >>

We have beat this subject to death.  Wells could have left but in his own words didn't play and didn't prepare last year to get any better. In his defense again how many balls were dropped and how many all conference lineman protected him.  The lines underachieved the wide receivers underachieved and the loss of Adams hurt as well at TE.  As for Davis not getting to throw that's BS.  He has had what 3 yrs to show what he can do.  That's run and its average at best.  Let's see if Wells can improve and Let's see what Hosick is the messiah everybody wants.

The YO Show:
It sounds like information in this radio show is contradicting previous statements by Pelini and other coaching staff?
I was under the impression Pelini said he was going to let Montgomery run his offense. That isn't the case though if we are really looking for a more mobile QB just because of Pelini. Not complaining, just pointing out an inconsistency?

Yo-sources close to Shane tell me it was something he didn't necessarily want

Penguin Nation:
Why would BP keep Shane if Shane's offense differs than BP's?  With BP's connections, surely he could find an OC/QB coach that fits his planned offensive scheme?

IAA Fan:
It is not something that I necessarily wanted either, but there will be two new QB's by summer (at least 1). I still see Wells taking the snaps in fall, but I also feel that Hocksick has a great opportunity. Fever and Go said it best ...does coach Shane really want a running QB? I don't think so, but it is what it is. I have other areas of greater concern than our QB.


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