YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Ignoring Other Users


IAA Fan:

By overwhelming demand, we have added a feature that will allow you to ignore other users. Since you can ignore anyone that you want, I would like you to not "ignore" the following:


These are moderators and administrators, so there are times when they do need to contact you or say something that is important for the entire board.

It is not too complicated to set up an ignore list:

1. At the top of your page, hover over "Profile".
2. The click on "Forum Profile".
3. In the left-side menu, click on "Buddies/Ignore List".
4. Type in the name of the use that you wish to ignore and click on the "Add" button. It is important to spell it properly ...with the right capitalization and spacing, or any punctuation.

The user will appear below and then you will not be able to see any posts by that user, or receive any private messages.

I will add some screen shots tonight.


go guins:
I am relatively new to your blog, and want first to say thanks for your efforts.  We all appreciate your work very much!  I do have some curiosity questions you can or chose not to answer.  Are these all "you" using different names, or separate "helpers"? 


I assume there are people who use multiple registrations, so even if you "banned" a SPE, they could register a new user name couldn't they?  I, for at least one, haven't been clamoring to block or ban anyone.  I find the most confrontational the most interesting and force me to do some homework to support my points, even if he ignores them.  I just wish our resident SPE wasn't ALWAYS so anti YSU and specifically so anti coach and administrator.  I'm sure they would agree with me that they aren't perfect, but they are NOT the dumbest, most worthless people on the planet either! 
If you wanted to add a wish list, I second the suggestion of any easy thumbs up, thumbs down box with totals to provide poster feedback, and something I REALLY need, is spell checker!!

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on February 15, 2016, 03:04:32 PM ---I am relatively new to your blog, and want first to say thanks for your efforts.  We all appreciate your work very much!  I do have some curiosity questions you can or chose not to answer.  Are these all "you" using different names, or separate "helpers"? 


I assume there are people who use multiple registrations, so even if you "banned" a SPE, they could register a new user name couldn't they?  I, for at least one, haven't been clamoring to block or ban anyone.  I find the most confrontational the most interesting and force me to do some homework to support my points, even if he ignores them.  I just wish our resident SPE wasn't ALWAYS so anti YSU and specifically so anti coach and administrator.  I'm sure they would agree with me that they aren't perfect, but they are NOT the dumbest, most worthless people on the planet either! 
If you wanted to add a wish list, I second the suggestion of any easy thumbs up, thumbs down box with totals to provide poster feedback, and something I REALLY need, is spell checker!!

--- End quote ---

I am IAA Fan and admin ...I am not YSUGO or guinpen. I only use admin, when I am doing something official, as that is an admin sign-on. IAA Fan is a moderator sign-on and has slightly different authority. It would not be right for me to post opinions as admin ...I am a fan like anyone all of us.

There is a feature that I never use, it is called "Karma". When members are allowed, they can applaud or smite a member to raise or lower that member's karma. It is on the user though ...not the post.


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