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Penguin Nation:
If the selection process if left to our AD, then we will have a clone of Jerry Slocum as the next MBB HC.  It will be a certain failure.  Strollo was getting ready to hire Dean Hood as the FB HC (who I think had made two visits to the YSU campus) until Tressel inserted himself into the process.  BTW, EKU has subsequently fired Hood.  Tressel has networking skills, and is able to sell YSU. I am fully aware of the HC recruiting limitations, but YSU has had Tressel, Pelini, and Bolden as HC of sports, so we can swing for the fences on this one....if the right batter is at the plate.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 15, 2016, 01:35:03 PM ---Again I say why hire McFadden when Wernicki is as-qualified ...if not more so. Then we do not lose so many players. I still think Slocum get's his final year at a minimum, but is not holding up his part of the bargain for anything further. This is a really good team and Slocum has always been able to bring in a couple of good players. I think there is going to be a lot of chemistry.

--- End quote ---

Define "really good."

Any coach associated with this debacle needs to leave.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
- Albert Einstein


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 15, 2016, 01:35:03 PM ---Again I say why hire McFadden when Wernicki is as-qualified ...if not more so. Then we do not lose so many players. I still think Slocum get's his final year at a minimum, but is not holding up his part of the bargain for anything further. This is a really good team and Slocum has always been able to bring in a couple of good players. I think there is going to be a lot of chemistry.

--- End quote ---

Need someone who does not have any ties to this program. I agree with Nation.

IAA Fan:
Einstein was an idiot most of the time. His theories have never been proven or disproved ...just accepted. The first media boy from the scientific community.

The quote you made assumes that one can play basketball on a different level of consciousness. Guess what? This is NCAA basketball at YSU and always will be. The only thing that you can do is change the level of consciousness in the community-at-large and winning has only a little to do with that. You want more focus in general & I do not. I like football. YSU is football. I want more fans at football games. I want more tailgating at football games. I would give up the sport of MBB is a second to achieve my football goals. So you certainly better not spend any of my football monies on MBB.

So, this is an opinion share by more than a few fans of YSU. In addition, Title-IX means useless women's sports are here to stay (Sorry ladies, but the truth is the truth) & need every remaining ounce of non-football monies. So you have to respect the Strollo for the decisions that he has to make with this being the prevailing mentality. He has no on-campus friends, as most professors think any sport is a complete waste of time (and they may be right). I do not want to spend $300k+ on a new MBB coach and another $150 for a good assistant and another $100k if you want a second-assistant.

This is what AD's and HC's deal with everyday.

Penguin Nation:
Here's an Oliver Cromwell quote.....for some reason this seems like an appropriate place for it:

"You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"


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