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go guins:
So you think the football situation in Akron and Kent is healthier than YSU?  You want us to go down the same sorry path as Akron?  Sorry, but I STRONGLY disagree.  Somebody please get me an update on the financial status of YSU since the arrival of Mr. JT.  There is more than one way to make money in a university setting and winning football can be a help in ways outside of the gate receipts as well.  Attempting to go 1-A would be the single biggest mistake YSU every made.


--- Quote from: go guins on February 16, 2016, 12:11:56 PM ---So you think the football situation in Akron and Kent is healthier than YSU?  You want us to go down the same sorry path as Akron?  Sorry, but I STRONGLY disagree.  Somebody please get me an update on the financial status of YSU since the arrival of Mr. JT.  There is more than one way to make money in a university setting and winning football can be a help in ways outside of the gate receipts as well.  Attempting to go 1-A would be the single biggest mistake YSU every made.

--- End quote ---

I am not saying that this is a situation that I would prefer.  I am simply saying how do you avoid it?  One other thing you need to keep in mind.  Kent and Akron have ZERO tradition.  We do

I think you can have a decent men's basketball program here. But Wick posed a question --

Rosselli -- ran a D-II program and for that the Youngstown area has some talent. The problem comes when you play D-I BB and need to recruit elsewhere. Its then that you face the MAC which is far more popular with Ohio kids and are forced to recruit the leftovers elsewhere.

Tressel was a once in a lifetime combination of being a  good coach and being lucky. Some would also say cheat a little too. Great recruiter. But, he was as  good a FB coach as you will find in the country. Ohio St. now has one that is better.

Eddie D -- good coach with limited  coaching abilities  who coached in weak  leagues but had an area( Ytown Metro) that was pretty good for women's players. Strong players in a weak league racked up the wins.

McFarland is another example of the "local good old boy "club. Nothing special about him.  But the area nepotism rears its ugly head again.  Everyone thinks this area is the greatest ( it isn't) and the answer to all problems is to hire a local boy ( who promptly gets beat like a drum). Open it up. See what you can attract. Fund the program. Guys on the way up with head coaching success will be interested.

Penguin Nation:
Until there is a significant conference realignment, perhaps one that combines some G5 with some FCS programs, I think moving out of the FCS would be cost prohibitive.  Last year there were calls in Akron from faculty to move FB to FCS, about the time they dropped their baseball program.  We aren't even offering FCOA yet, which all of the MAC and 4 MVFC teams are (and Liberty U).  This places us as a second class MVFC program, and we'd consider moving to the FBS?

My suggestion would be to replace a creampuff home game for a MAC away game, which would result in increased revenue generation, and then parlay those earnings (~$100k) into FCOA scholarships.  Collectively, this would increase fan interest, improve our recruiting position, and improve our SOS which would enhance our resume to the playoff selection committee. I'd suggest start by playing Can't, who'd we pummel on a bad day.

Here is a Jambar article about the Athletic Department budget:


The article borders on propaganda, which surprises me as the Jambar usually is more objective and critical.  Regardless, the article claims that YSU is efficient in its use of Athletic Department resources, however completely ignores the lost revenue due to underperforming top revenue generating programs (FB, MBB), and scheduling of opponents that generate little appeal to the fans.  The article also makes the case for the benefit of athletics on the University as a whole, which i agree with.


You might want to take into account that the author of this article, Katie Montgomery, is a member of the soccer team.  (Or a Jambar columnist has the same name, which is most unlikely.)


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