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You have to remember how young this team is, and Slocum is totally wasting it!  Two freshmen on the floor most of the time.  One Junior starting, an red shirt freshmen, and true sophomore.   I don't understand it every season Slocum craps the bed on the second half of the schedule.

The YO Show:
IAA, I like you, prefer football over basketball. But, since YSU has a basketball team, I want to see them succeed as much as possible. I'm not saying you don't, but if I were given the choice, I would still make sure the MBB team got their funding so they could live up to their potential. Believe it or not, ROI for MBB teams in mid-majors can actually be quite nice if we can get to the tournament and make a run. Its more of setting your program up for the best possible success. There has to be a balance of course. I wouldn't want to dump alot of money into the basketball team if it hasn't been a proven success, but I don't see why we wouldn't want to try to change the course of things. Just my two cents

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on February 15, 2016, 06:41:27 PM ---IAA, I like you, prefer football over basketball. But, since YSU has a basketball team, I want to see them succeed as much as possible. I'm not saying you don't, but if I were given the choice, I would still make sure the MBB team got their funding so they could live up to their potential. Believe it or not, ROI for MBB teams in mid-majors can actually be quite nice if we can get to the tournament and make a run. Its more of setting your program up for the best possible success. There has to be a balance of course. I wouldn't want to dump alot of money into the basketball team if it hasn't been a proven success, but I don't see why we wouldn't want to try to change the course of things. Just my two cents

--- End quote ---

I understand, but that is not the reality of YSU. We are going to be a women's basketball school for some time to come. When that point comes where this is no longer the case, we will not be in the Horizon League. I just get tired of people actually thinking that their administration does not see things that blind man can see ...and they are serious. Strollo sees so, so, so, so, so much more than we do & why would any of us ever think otherwise?  People on this board think keeping Slocum is laughable, when the fact that Slocum, Strollo and to a lesser degree Tressel are quite aware of internal expectations. Slocum is probably the most talented HC in the league year after year, but has never had much of anything to work with.

So is the answer threatening the MVC to let us in & then we share the wealth of 3 post-season picks a year? We need another football trophy on our shelf before we can do that & more of a budget. Is it the MAC? (did anyone see Barne's salary for what is traditionally a mid-to-lower end program?). Then we need an increase in football budget as well. Is it staying a bottom-feeder in a conference and concentrating on the higher-priority sports? They are all questions and options that our administration deals with & I have yet to see anything to tell me that it is time to change. Maybe they feel the names Tressel and Pelini will do something. If it is, we have just a few years to act before they are both gone (or at least their names will be gone) & the time to act is now. If not, I like what we have in MBB and let's concentrate on other sports as we have been doing.

The YO Show:
Valid points. I have wondered if the time to act is nigh regarding making a move to the MAC. As cool as I would think that would be, I think that it is ultimately not in the cards for us, and as you said, after the names are gone we will not be in a position to try to get there. We would do very well against MAC competition, at least thats my two cents.

Back to the original discussion points you mentioned. I am not attacking the administration when I say we should be attempting to put our best foot forward with any changes we make. I don't envy the administration and their task of juggling fan interest and expectations for a MBB program that has fallen on hard times with unreachable  expectations for the program. I do think that some positive changes could be taken though at this juncture though. My  opinion would be a head coaching change, but to be realistic, it would not have an immediate affect on the program. There is no short term solution here, more of a mid to long range one.

Good coaches (Rosselli, Tressel, DiGregorio, Boldon, Gorby, Barnes) recruit very well, and they win.
Bad coaches recruit leftovers and projects, and they lose.

Bad coaches always used as their primary excuse the lack of a social life at the commuter school.  That poor excuse is now gone.  With the dormitories and apartment complexes, including two under construction, we have built an on-campus community that offers the intimate social life of a small college with the academic resources of a large university.  Frankly, it is a perfect balance. 

For those who believe that we cannot improve the basketball program, even with the current finances, please explain how the first three men that I listed above won, and won big, with half the resources of the modern school.


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