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The Myths and the Realities of YSU Football Recruiting ...

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The easy thing to do is to just not read his posts, I stopped a long time ago.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on February 10, 2016, 03:29:29 PM ---I had been a participant on this board since 1997.  I stopped coming here last October, completely fed up with wading through the hate that this man directs toward our university.  I decided to return today to read about members' impressions about our recruiting class, fully expecting to confront more hate-filled garbage.  My expectations were met.

IAA Fan, why can you not see what this character has done to your board?  Do you not understand that YSU fans resent this constant stream of insults against the institution that we love?  Do you not realize that you have lost over a dozen of the best and most intelligent YSU fans who left this board because of their disgust over this hater?  Wake up.

--- End quote ---

Great to see a post from you Wick.  I haven't posted much either.  For some reason you reminded me that we lost a talented FB in spring or summer practice.  Don't remember his name bit I think we get him back this year.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on February 10, 2016, 03:29:29 PM ---I had been a participant on this board since 1997.  I stopped coming here last October, completely fed up with wading through the hate that this man directs toward our university.  I decided to return today to read about members' impressions about our recruiting class, fully expecting to confront more hate-filled garbage.  My expectations were met.

IAA Fan, why can you not see what this character has done to your board?  Do you not understand that YSU fans resent this constant stream of insults against the institution that we love?  Do you not realize that you have lost over a dozen of the best and most intelligent YSU fans who left this board because of their disgust over this hater?  Wake up.

--- End quote ---

Well I got rid of him twice already, then everyone says "well let's let him back and see what he does". Did you think he is going to change? Just some old guy sitting in a library stirring up trouble on websites. If you think that we are the only one that he does this to, I am sure we are not. BTW he does not even know that Heacock recruited much W's first class, then Wolf simply melted at the chance of letting a HS recruiting website choose his recruits for him. Even he never made that mistake again. Then even when you present facts to YSU's biggest fan and Paladin Nation ...that shows H's best came when he had all of his own recruits ...not to mention the fact that coach H recruited most all of the defense for Tressel ...they simply turn into what #34 says better than anyone ...NDSU fans.  Simply say the word and I will get rid of him again.

If you like variety of foods then you have to take the bad dishes with the good. All site have haters, hecklers and trolls. Paladin is all three. I, for one, only eat certain foods ...just as the only sports team I follow is YSU.


Paladin can be very informative; unfortunately, he seems to delight in being combative instead.
When he is informative, I read his posts - when he is just stirring the pot and spewing his YSU hate messages, I just quit reading.

Penguin Nation:
Geez.  The Ytown I remember was a bunch of tough MFers that would give you the shirt off their back.  When did Ytowners grow glass jaws?  Is this forum a "safe space"?  Should I get a "trigger warning" if I mention the Strollo record of failure? Is referring to Heacock's contract renewal as he was nuking the program a "micro-aggression"?

My suggestion would be to create a "code of conduct."  I wouldn't include criticisms of the program as a violation but its not my call.  Maybe the goal is have a fantasyland forum where every coach gets a participation trophy.  If that's the goal, warm up some chamomile tea, snuggle up and ban contrary opinion.

Sieg Heil.


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