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Maty Mauk ?

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--- Quote from: go guins on January 29, 2016, 09:46:27 AM ---Where are all the guys that think "everyone deserves a second chance"  etc?

--- End quote ---

He's had multiple. Mahone had one incident. Your point?

Penguin Nation:
Pros: He is talented, from Ohio, and looks like Zach Galifianakis.

Cons: only get a year out of him, record at MO good but not stellar, and MO Coach Odom tried to work with him but he thinks he is Johnny Manziel.

If I were BP, I would not pursue him.  If Mauk called, I would hear him present his case as to why he may be an asset to the program.....maybe even invite him to campus......but Mauk would really need to go to great lengths to convince me he would not be a distraction.....it'd be a tough sell.....as was noted already.....this is not a second chance....this is a pattern of behavior.  He'll end up somewhere...prolly OVC or SoCon.  With Hosick, we are no longer desperate....but would be nice to have a quality #2 (which Ricky Davis may be but for reasons I will never understand was rarely allowed but pass and was #2 behind a statue),

This kid seemed to always be in trouble.  He probably did a lot more stuff that was swept under the rug.  Not worth it.


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