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Columbus Area Meet & Greet with Jim Tressel

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go guins:
This has nothing to do with football, this is a meet & greet for a potential govenor/senate candidate.

Aren't there only 7 or 8 scholarships available?

Hey Fan,  what did JT have to say?

IAA Fan:
It was fun. Good crowd of at least 80-100. We had about half of the BW3's.

All the talk was campus expansion. The best highlights:

1. YSU had a Rhodes Scholar. She is only the 6th in the state of Ohio History. 2 @ OSU, 2 @ UC, 1 @ OU and now 1 at YSU. She went to work for the Fed in Cleveland. Double-major in math and econ.

2. Campus wiring is all going to be buried.

3. New building going in to replace Jones and Todd, but since they are historical buildings, they cannot be modified properly, so they are going to join the two buildings(old and new) with a bridge.

4. No mention of athletics at all, but Jabari Teague and Tamron Smith were there.

5. New center going in next to Covelli, it will be outside. Elton John is performing to help raise the money for it, so we should try to go to the show. Despite what he is today, just remember what a spectacular LP "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" is and that talent is still in the guys somewhere. He will then headline the outdoor opening event.

6. Nice changes in store (physical) for Dana.

7. Kilcawley to expand this summer and be finished by fall semester. I will add more as I remember.

6. 3 new dorms at the old Williamson and back where the electric company used to be. The first unit went up for rent already & they have rented half of phase-I (with 3 more phases, each housing 186 dorm rooms).

Thanks for the update.


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