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2016 Football Coaching Staff

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go guins:
One sick individual.  I can't help but wonder where all the hatred comes from?  This clown would like nothing better than for YSU said "we're broke and closing our doors forever."  This A$$ would be posting "I told you so, I told you so" every place he could find to post something! 
Well, I hate to disappoint him, but JT has the university on much improved finical footing and it is getting nothing but better.  Enrollment is up, endowment is up, revenue is up and expenses are down.  The general fund balance has improved by 111% from just 2015 to 2016.  I also see above the average increases in athletic expenses, but expenses are growing at a much slower rate than athletic revenue.  Expenses for 2016 +3.2% and Revenue + 8.9%
All this is going to make Paladin a sad guy.  Now let’s make the damn playoffs and really ruin his day!

IAA Fan:
Dan's quick hits:

1. Yes Paladin is banned. He was not warned this time, as he is lucky to be on here in the first-place. Stop making him out to be something Nation, he is a moron and always has been. Just as banning him does not change reality ...saying something does not make that a reality either. The difference between yourself and Paladin is that you flavor your disdain for certain people with wisdom, Paladin does not. However, having a mind does not make everything you say correct ...just as me starting this board does lend anymore credence to some of my opinionated and less-than-knowledgeable comments.

2. Neither the OC, MBB coach, or AD are controversial. You just do not like them. Which is fine. The OC does not run a traditional smash-mouth YSU offense; but he produces points and (last year aside) we certainly have had less than stellar defenses in the past 6-years. The MBB coach is doing everything that he can with what he has and we could not even hope to find anyone nearly as good with the investment that we have made. The idea that upping the salary to $200k will produce better results is a bad one as well (not yours Nation), as we will not see any improvement in coaching quality under the $300k to $500k mark. This will mean a couple of very expensive assistants as well. I really wish we would dump money into the program and keep Slocum in-charge just to show certain people what he can do. The AD has been stellar in my opinion. We ignored so much for so long, yet we have been able to address these issues without closing our doors.

3. The athletic department is actually doing well, but revenues are down & football is not picking up all of the costs anymore ...but we are still in good shape & you really have to credit Strollo's financial sense and his ability to work cooperatively.

4. Paladin's idea that we have some sort of "good ole boy" system is not true ...I wish it was. It was that way when Tressel was AD for about 5-years & Malmusar...things were smooth. Now Strollo has to fight for every nickel (as any AD does) and he has truly been the first YSU AD to have to do this. We have really only had 2 AD's; the first one was incompetent (Malmusar) ...Tressel was an on-the-cheap hire, given a stipend of $15k - then up to $50k. He did not even have time to learn the job, so he just focused on football and the new conference.

In short, YSU has always been able to make something out of nothing and you can credit the "good ole boy" system for that. Look at coach Duzzer ...working his back-side off and the result was "the Ice Castle". Back then, the university was not the athletic department's friend by a long-shot. The AD at YSU (and probably many other universities) has to be hated by everyone ...the business community (as he is always asking for money) and the academic community (for basically the same reason). Yet, we all have to assume that someone knows what they are doing and it is not president Tressel. It is Ron Strollo. Maybe we will find our trust is misplaced, but Strollo has done nothing to show us this.

Penguin Nation:
It's all been said...I can't bear to rehash it no mo'

I thought JT was paid at least another $100K as AD...I thought he went from ~$150k to ~$250k as AD/HC....I could be wrong.

Let's make it interesting.....if Slocum posts a winning HL record in the next two years.....then I will post a topic titled "Jerry Slocum is a good HC" at that time.....but only if you agree if he doesn't, then you must post a topic titled, "Jerry Slocum is NOT a good HC."  No run to the sweet sixteen, no NIT invite....just a winning conference record in either of the two upcoming seasons.

Do you accept?

IAA Fan:
I cannot accept your offer, as there is no way for me to validate my opinion, which is fine. Even a run to the NCAA would not be enough to overcome his record ...everyone knows that.

As to JT. I don't think he ever made above $140k total in any season. We did not have post-season bonuses at that point. I think it was about half-way through coach H's tenure that I think those came on. I know that JT did not make $100k until his first year as AD. I think we hired him for $70k. I remember reading that he renewed early for $79k. I would have to dig back to find out. I will see what I can find.

go guins:
I suppose those were competitive numbers "in the day," but today it reads like we should have been wearing a mask, stealing JT with those kind of numbers!  Good grief, did he donate more to the WATTS that we paid him!?!?
We should have hired him as Pres. out of gratitude alone, not to mention the GREAT job he is doing.

Regarding Slocum.  I am late to this subject and am confused.  Do we hate him because he is: 1. a bad coach. 2. a bad person 3. both or 4. a good guy and good coach but bad recruiter? 


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