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2016 Football Coaching Staff

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go guins:

--- Quote from: paladin on February 16, 2016, 03:13:32 PM ---Thanks.... you just made my point. Some one who is fast isn't necessarily a good WRs. Hows his hands ? Moves ?  Film will tell you that. level of competition he  played against ?  What is artful ?  Typical local good old boy "expert" you are .

Guys  are going to block me ? Who... the good old boys who think they have the answers ?   The cheerleaders who contribute to YSU's failures by failing to demand excellence and  coddling losers ?

STOP.... stop I say. I'm breaking out in a cold sweat worrying over that ....................................... NOT !   People who aren't blind and have REAL interest in what goes on here  will continue to read me. My opinion may be of interest to more than you know.  Lots  of people READ here but don't post. Fair minded people are thirsty for info and those who don't blindly follow a good old boys club will read.

But keep spreading the BS. People laugh at the humor .  The "self importance" of the feeble minded and their closed minds bothers me not.   The world values different opinions. So do the readers of this board. Grow up.

--- End quote ---

You are a complete fool.  If you were right, there would never be a bust 1st round QB in the NFL.  The most important thing in picking a football player is not size, not speed, not arm or leg strength, not any of that.  It's heart, and judging a person's heart is an art not a science.  If you are right, Ryan Leaf and Todd Marinovich are  in the NFL Hall of Fame and Payton Manning and Tom Brady are distant memories for NFL fanatics to remember.  Unlike you I don't think I'm smarter than everybody on the planet.  I just know I am smarter and think more clearly than you.

While this "coaching staff" thread seems to evolved into the recruiting thread, I would like to add that if you look at a school like Alabama, it shows that recruiting isn't as easy as some suggest.  Alabama gets top notch players and every year they over recruit and then thin the heard by removing players already on scholarship.  Does that make the coaching staff poor at judging recruits?  This is a practice that I certainly do not condone, but it show that even top tier coaches aren't experts.

If college football makes the scholarship shuffle the norm, then the Northwestern players have a case.

go guins:
ScarletRook, if I understand your point, then I think I disagree. 
If 'bama or anybody else, recruits a football player and he "can't play" then you are saying he is entitled to his 4 year scholarship anyway?  And if I have an academic scholarship and I let my grades slip, then they have to pay for schooling anyway?  (they don't!) We enter into an agreement.  I pay your school costs and you play for my football team.  If you can’t play, then you aren’t honoring your part of the agreement and I revoke the agreement.  That seems straight forward to me. 

Back to coaching thread.  There isn't a coach or GM/AD that doesn't have a long list of players they were high on and turned into complete busts.  Some here think recruiting is just about the numbers, but the heart of the matter is the heart.  I remember when Indy was back and forth between Peyton Manning and Ryan Leaf, as hard as that is to believe.  One had heart and succeeded, but I bet you a buck Leaf could throw harder and run faster. Judging talent is the hardest part of coaching, IMO.


--- Quote from: go guins on February 18, 2016, 10:38:05 AM ---ScarletRook, if I understand your point, then I think I disagree. 
If 'bama or anybody else, recruits a football player and he "can't play" then you are saying he is entitled to his 4 year scholarship anyway?  And if I have an academic scholarship and I let my grades slip, then they have to pay for schooling anyway?  (they don't!) We enter into an agreement.  I pay your school costs and you play for my football team.  If you can’t play, then you aren’t honoring your part of the agreement and I revoke the agreement.  That seems straight forward to me. 

go guins:
I don't think you see my point entirely, but time doesn't permit me to elaborate right now.  I understand your viewpoint.
As far as grades this is from the NCAA rules:

Remaining Eligible: Academics

Because intercollegiate athletics is part of the fabric of the university, student-athletes must be committed to academic achievement and the pursuit of a degree.

Student-athletes must meet academic standards throughout their careers on campus to remain eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Member institutions in each division create academic standards specific to that division’s goals.

In Division I, student-athletes must complete 40 percent of the coursework required for a degree by the end of their second year. They must complete 60 percent by the end of their third year and 80 percent by the end of their fourth year. Student-athletes are allowed five years to graduate while receiving athletically related financial aid. All Division I student-athletes must earn at least six credit hours each term to be eligible for the following term and must meet minimum grade-point average requirements that are related to an institution’s own GPA standards for graduation.

Teams in Division I are also subject to the Academic Progress Rate (APR), a standard that measures a team’s academic progress by assigning points to each individual student-athlete for eligibility and retention/graduation.

--- End quote ---

go guins:
You and I aren't on the same page.  If you point is, once committed to a recruit, always committed to a recruit, I don't agree.  That's how I read your original post on the subject. If you point is different, I missed it.


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