YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Pass Interference?

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The YO Show:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the pass interference call. It does not really matter, regardless of what anyone believes, the referree made the call and the game is over. The bison won. YSU lost. I understand that there are those who feel differently than posters on here, but is it really necessary to come here to tell us how wrong we are about the call?


--- Quote from: DavedS on November 17, 2015, 12:04:16 AM ---
--- Quote from: JP21 on November 16, 2015, 11:16:31 PM ---You NDSU fans are a joke.  How about the holding all day on your offensive line because they couldn't block for s***.  Ohh nobody talks about that.  YSU has no qb, a depleted offensive line and we still dominated you a$$holes all day.  Bottom line is if the defender doesn't impede the receiver from making a catch there should be no call.  The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.

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At least we let him post here--Bisonville never allowed me to post.

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I notified BV Admin (Tony) and he posted this in reply.

"Lucky you sent me this... his user name wasn't even in the queue. Do you know how long ago he registered? "

Default Users Awaiting Email Confirmation

    Got a PM because a user (daveds) couldn't get registered. Turns out that he was in the "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" queue.

    Here's how the registration process works:

    1. You register (which puts you in "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" queue
    2. The board automatically sends you an email that you have to click a link on to get into the "Users Awaiting Moderation" queue (this is where I have to manually approve a user - this is to weed out spammers)
    3. I check your IP address and user name to make sure that they're not listed as spam or that somebody with the same user name hasn't registered on 100 bulletin boards in the last week.

    What I found is that there are over 1000 users in the "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation" queue which means that the email that bisonville.com sends out automatically must be getting flagged as spam by peoples' email systems fairly frequently. Just based on the email addresses, I can tell that the vast majority were not spambots (because spambots would be very useless if they failed to that step.)

    Bottom line: Trying to get registered on bisonville.com has been a very frustrating and unsuccessful process for a lot of people. Sorry about that - I'll try to come up with a solution.




--- Quote from: JP21 on November 16, 2015, 11:16:31 PM ---You NDSU fans are a joke.  How about the holding all day on your offensive line because they couldn't block for s***.  Ohh nobody talks about that.  YSU has no qb, a depleted offensive line and we still dominated you a$$holes all day.  Bottom line is if the defender doesn't impede the receiver from making a catch there should be no call.  The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.

--- End quote ---

Yes yes.. let the hurt flow, your tears are yummy...   j.kid.  I like this post, lets make a rivalry out of this!!


--- Quote from: TennBison on November 17, 2015, 01:27:56 AM ---
--- Quote from: JP21 on November 16, 2015, 11:16:31 PM ---You NDSU fans are a joke.  How about the holding all day on your offensive line because they couldn't block for s***.  Ohh nobody talks about that.  YSU has no qb, a depleted offensive line and we still dominated you a$$holes all day.  Bottom line is if the defender doesn't impede the receiver from making a catch there should be no call.  The ball was 40 feet over the receivers head anyway.  Gtfo our message board how about that.

--- End quote ---
Holding happens on almost every play by the offense, it just depends on how severe it is as to weather it gets called no matter what team it is.
  From what I saw you have two QBs one for each style of play you want to run....so yes you do have a QB. NDSU on the other hand lost their star NFL caliber QB and are using our freshman backup so we have more right to say have no QB than you.
 If your offensive line dominated us all day then how come you had no 3rd down conversions the entire second half and in the 4th quarter had 3 consecutive 3 and outs and had a total yardage of -2. Is that what your team calls total domination, no wonder you don't see the PI call.
 Show us any official who will not call PI when a defender gets caught pulling on the jersey of a receiver. Believe what you want, but the facts are that is a penalty that was not 40 feet above the players heads and uncatchable or how did they get their hands on it.
 How about that!

--- End quote ---

Notice how I said your offensive line was holding all day.  With a depleted offensive line we still controlled you all game so what is your point?  Thanks for explaining how holding works, I played football for many years and I aware of what is holding and what isn't.   When your end has his arm around Rivers neck that is holding my friend, not sure what they consider holding in Fargo.   Point is NDSU receiver wasn't catching that ball either way.  The only person who could reach thay ball was our defender.  The ball was uncatchabale and that was a bush league pass interference call. 


--- Quote from: NDSUSR on November 16, 2015, 06:48:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on November 16, 2015, 06:40:36 PM ---I used to live in a suburb of MSP for almost 10 years.  There is a HUGE cultural difference (and not in a good way) to any other place I've lived, and I've moved around

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What's the matter? Oh, you were finished! Well, allow me to retort....

This is from GOB1SON on Bisonville. He was at the game.

Originally Posted by BisonFan02
Do you mind if I borrow this quote/info for AGS?

Knock yourself out.

Maybe it will get read by the congenial fans the turned and spoke to me and my wife after the PI call and told us to take our paid for refs and to get to get the **** out of their stadium. Or the nice gentleman getting into his car that yelled, once again with two ladies present, "I hope you are happy you pieces of ****".

I have been to a lot of football games all over the country, and I have heard of such behavior (and sometimes, Bison fans have been accused of it) but this is the first time I have seen it like this. I was scared to leave my wife's side for fear someone was going to get into her grill and then I would end up in jail in Ohio.

Oh, one last little tidbit, the nice lady who was all dressed in red sitting two rows in front of us, well her husband's name was Steve and he was one of the officials. I know this because her whole family, also dressed in red, was yelling "STEVE" the whole fricking game trying to get him to look up into the stands. And guess what!?! He was the official that threw the PI flag.

I did not just make that up. The official, that threw the PI flag, his wife was sitting two rows in front of us dressed in Youngstown State gear.

--- End quote ---

So Tennbison, all of this^^ is somehow believable but my first hand account of something is not.  Seems about right.


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