YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Pass Interference?

(1/16) > >>

Fromunda Cheese:

Blo Pelini:
Since the ref that threw the flag was behind the play, he must have seen the DB's left hand pulling on the jersey of the wide receiver.

It still should have been a no call.

Definitely should've been a No-Call. What officials are taught to look for in that situation is did the hold impede the receiver's ability to go UP or FORWARD for the football and the answer is NO It didn't. Defensive back was in good position and was making a play on the ball. The receiver had a slight little push off with his arm as well. Don't forget we had 3 very questionable pass interference calls against Illinois St. that kept key drives going that I also thought were very weak

Fromunda Cheese:

To those who say it should have been a no call you are kidding yourselves.  The proof is right there.  Rather than being so upset at that you should be upset at your coach and what he cost your team with the 2 penalties he got for acting like a 4 year old. 

The MVFC hopefully has already been in contact with your administration about this.  If not they should be.  Pelini may be a good football coach but his people skills suck.


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