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QB Thread

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Let Ricky play the entire game tomorrow.  Time to find out what he can do.

Play the guy that gives us the best chance to win


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 20, 2015, 09:10:33 PM ---Well said Pete. I will disagree just slightly. I do not think you have to be able to run for Montgomery's offense, as a bulk of the run game is your TB's; but you do have to have some mobility. Look how many points we racked-up with Hess in there.

You know who I would think could do real well in coach M's offense ...does anybody remember Brandon Summers? Deadly in the pocket, with really nice running carrying skills.

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The QB has to have the option to run or give with the spread option.  That mesh and fake is key to the offense.  If they know he is giving it every time...a Pop Warner coach could stop it.  The only difference between this offense and the classic read belly option and read option is that we had the likes if Trenton Lykes, Ray Issac, Nick Cochran, Mark Brundgard, Jeff Ryan, Zwick, Tidwell, etc... who could go down the line and turn it up field when they did not pitch...you had to respect both...with Wells there is no respect for him to run.  When you throw in the third option of being able to fake the give, keep and then the ability to throw the ball...that is when you have a triple threat QB that must be respected by the defense.  Until then...we will not be the offensive threat that we need to be.  Those previous QB's had the triple threat.  Wells only has one and that is questionable at times also.  To be able to run as a QB you have to be tough...he is not.  He is afraid and that paralysis through analysis has killed him this year.  I wait to see who coach goes out and gets...most likely a JUCO or D1 transfer at QB like Roberson and I imagine with his connections it happens sooner than later.


Nothing new here. I told you LAST year that Wells would NEVER start for four years. Ability level just isn't there. Yet the "experts" here was saying that since he started as a Frosh, he was a lock.

Ohio St. must know something   that YSU doesn't -- they ALWAYS try to field a run/pass QB and thats also what they recruit.

Football 101

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: paladin on November 21, 2015, 11:09:50 AM ---Nothing new here. I told you LAST year that Wells would NEVER start for four years. Ability level just isn't there. Yet the "experts" here was saying that since he started as a Frosh, he was a lock.

Ohio St. must know something   that YSU doesn't -- they ALWAYS try to field a run/pass QB and thats also what they recruit.

Football 101

--- End quote ---

Okay expert & prognosticator. You hate everyone that has ever taken a snap, so Let's see your post ...I keep them a year minimum. Oh and BTW ...Cardale???

Paladin: BullCrapper 101


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