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QB Thread

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I forgot to mention, on the NDSU broadcast even they noted how Wells was a great and promising freshman and has really made no progress as a soph. Not entirely unheard of, sophomore slump is a term that has been used on lots of players all over the country.

If they can tell that, from their limited exposure, its hard to argue against.

I don't want to knock the kid, could be coaching, could be he has plateaued.

Neither look good for our coaching staff as they are responsible for talent evaluation and improving the players.

If we don't see improvement in that position, with him or otherwise, that needs corrected at a coaching level. That assumes current O staff is retained for next year which seems like it might be the case.

Honest opinion here, I don't think the coaching has anything to do with the Quarterback play. Wells lost confidence early in the season with all the dropped passes and the continued drops and the injuries on the offensive line. I think that was a big part of what affected his mechanics as the season went on. Ricky has a great arm but lacks the confidence to throw into coverage  because he hasn't been given enough opportunity to do so..since the playoffs are gone I say let each one have equal playing time against Indiana st. and give Ricky every opportunity  to throw and go from there..I don't think a 2 quarterback system is something that the coaching staff wants going into next season

Never fails. Spend your $$$$$$$$$$$ for decades on Penguin Club seats but don't have an opinion. Not allowed. Stop coming to games and buying tickets and still keep your opinion to yourself.

Look in the mirror.  The problems are not going away.

Thank your bean counter.

Wells had a bad season because he cannot run the ball and is afraid to run the ball.  He proved that on one play against ILSr and this past week against NDSU when he slid 5 yards to early and almost did not make a first down.  He is afraid to take a hit and lacks some toughness that we are used to at QB at YSU.  Without the threat of being able to both pass and run, the Montgomery offense will not work.  Why even run the spread option with him in there when you know he is not going to read the Defensive End to see if he crashes on the back or if he can pull the ball and go around end of some yards.  He got our backs killed all year by never being able to pull the ball from the mesh and the end would just continually crash and kill Ruiz.  In college you need someone that can be a dual threat, in the pros you can be a drop back passer like Brady and Manning. Running QB's don't last long in the pros, but in college they do.  Like I stated before, next years starting qb is not on this years roster.  Straight from the horses mouth if you know what I mean!!


IAA Fan:
Well said Pete. I will disagree just slightly. I do not think you have to be able to run for Montgomery's offense, as a bulk of the run game is your TB's; but you do have to have some mobility. Look how many points we racked-up with Hess in there.

You know who I would think could do real well in coach M's offense ...does anybody remember Brandon Summers? Deadly in the pocket, with really nice running carrying skills.


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