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QB Thread

<< < (10/16) > >>

Sorry I-AA, but cannot agree with you on this one, you are wrong. Pally is 100% correct.

IAA Fan:
You are a Monty/Wells hater as well, so I am not losing sleep over who agrees or not. It is just another case of Paladin stating the obvious & we are supposed to think he is something. The only thing missing is his "I predicted this months ago" back when we all know that he really said absolutely nothing. Everyone acts as as though coach M does not see what is going on. The reality is that he sees more than we do ...and he is trying to do something about it. In reality I have been highly impressed with Montgomery these past couple of weeks ...and his ability to adapt and work with his guys.

I personally think it's been impressive what the offense has been able to accomplish considering the adversity and obstacles they have faced


--- Quote from: paladin on November 13, 2015, 01:41:57 PM ---QB and the "system" Montgomery employs are two different animals. Ryan wasn't a great QB  but he was a good athlete who played QB. Ryan was successful because  they LIMITED what they had him do and he had good instincts to know when to pull it down and run and not always looking good doing it. Hess was a decent QB but he was shoehorned into a system and kept there by Montgomery. Montgomery  doesn't  use a QBs talent, he forces the qb TO PLAY IN HIS SYSTEM. Years ago, QB were recruited for their ABILITIES and then plays were put in for them. Montgomery puts in his SYSTEM and forces QBs to play into that system disregarding their abilities. That is what is going  on now . When Hess graduated, the cupboard was bare -- Wells drove DAILY to YSU and worked under Montgomery learning the system. He had a BIG leg up over Davis who was in the Cincy area . Yet the "sy st em" was employed  and the actual talents of the QBs ignored. Majot mistake.  Best QB are those who have plays put into the O for them, not some coaches "ideal" system and force players to play in it. Wells nor davis will never be good here because of that. It would alos help to recruit to SPECIFIC  skill sets in QB recruits and not bring in QBs and force them to do things they didn't and don't do.

Football 101

--- End quote ---

Excellent post.

The YO Show:
Well, its gameday fellas! Time to go support your guins regardless of who the coach or QB is. LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!!


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