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QB Thread

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--- Quote from: paladin on November 13, 2015, 01:41:57 PM ---  Best QB are those who have plays put into the O for them, not some coaches "ideal" system and force players to play in it. Wells nor davis will never be good here because of that. It would alos help to recruit to SPECIFIC  skill sets in QB recruits and not bring in QBs and force them to do things they didn't and don't do.

Football 101

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Agree completely


--- Quote from: go guins on November 12, 2015, 01:40:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on November 12, 2015, 12:30:47 PM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on November 11, 2015, 09:01:06 AM ---I rooted for Jeff Ryan every game, but now that he is "history" at YSU, he was a showboat, and not a winner and I was glad to see him go.
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Ryan would have picked up the 2 point conversion against ILS by sacrificing his body, as opposed to going to the ground at the 1/2 yard line without ever being touched.

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You have to score the TD before anybody goes for anything!  If that's all you have to offer, you're a sad case.

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The point I was trying to make was that Ryan would do whatever it takes to win.  A trait that young Wells has not yet shown.  Hopefully it surfaces beginning this weekend.

Better example -- watch Ohio St. They have used 3 QBs recently and each  had  different abilities. They put in "packages" of plays for each and when one of them plays , their play selection comes from their package . Each QB is successful because of the package used for him. OSU does not try to force a QB to do what his  abilities aren't suited for.

Pally we rarely agree but I agree with u about Monty not adjusting to what the QB skill set is. Ryan was a good athlete and a leader. But he also had a better set of players around him.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: paladin on November 13, 2015, 01:41:57 PM ---QB and the "system" Montgomery employs are two different animals. Ryan wasn't a great QB  but he was a good athlete who played QB. Ryan was successful because  they LIMITED what they had him do and he had good instincts to know when to pull it down and run and not always looking good doing it. Hess was a decent QB but he was shoehorned into a system and kept there by Montgomery. Montgomery  doesn't  use a QBs talent, he forces the qb TO PLAY IN HIS SYSTEM. Years ago, QB were recruited for their ABILITIES and then plays were put in for them. Montgomery puts in his SYSTEM and forces QBs to play into that system disregarding their abilities. That is what is going  on now . When Hess graduated, the cupboard was bare -- Wells drove DAILY to YSU and worked under Montgomery learning the system. He had a BIG leg up over Davis who was in the Cincy area . Yet the "sy st em" was employed  and the actual talents of the QBs ignored. Majot mistake.  Best QB are those who have plays put into the O for them, not some coaches "ideal" system and force players to play in it. Wells nor davis will never be good here because of that. It would alos help to recruit to SPECIFIC  skill sets in QB recruits and not bring in QBs and force them to do things they didn't and don't do.

Football 101

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Awful lot of BS to say one thing ...you don't like a system guy. Point made, not shared. This is not Jim Tressel football, there are other options to offer off-tackle left, than off tackle right. When your line is weak in the middle, you need to get outside ...football 101.

PS: Monty recruited those QB's ...he knows who they are and what they can do. Clearly you do not. If you are going to make anti-system comments, say something that makes sense ,,,i.e.: we score too quickly and that places our defense on the field too much. Or, we do not have sufficient "vanilla" offensive resources to properly imitate opposing offenses for scout team purposes.


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