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QB Thread

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The YO Show:

--- Quote from: go guins on November 10, 2015, 04:04:22 PM ---1-AA, I get the feeling it's you and me aginst the world supporting our players and coaches.  Yes they make mistakes.  Yes they are not perfect, but there the best we have and I root for them and hope they win each week.  Frankly I've see a couple QB's far better than Wells and Davis here, and a bunch worse.  I still think Hunter can get far better, but this hate mongering with Montgomery is getting tiring.  Good grief, sometimes I actually think some of these guys think THEY could do better!!  How funny is that?  Think they are Vince Lombardi bolting bumpers on a car at GM for a living.

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While I have been critical of the qb play and montgomery at times, I'm pro players and pro montgomery. Our offense has NOT been the problem under montgomery. I think the issue this year has been injuries ect. Its hard to say its his system when it has worked for the past so many years. Evidently not a popular viewpoint here, but in any case we shouldn't be arguing amongst ourselves like this. We're all YSU fans, lets support our team!

go guins:

--- Quote from: ScarletRook on November 10, 2015, 07:33:15 PM ---
--- Quote ---Bell?  Matt Bell, the guard/center?   Sometimes I can't tell if you guys are kidding or not.
Our OC STINKS!  Our OL STINKS!  Our QB STINK! and so why would you worry if they all left? 
(For the record, IMO our OC, OL and QB's do NOT stink)

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Not sure what the diatribe about "STINKS" has to do with my posts.
Just curious, you state you support our players but enjoy calling Julius Childs 'Julia'.
Any particular reason?

--- End quote ---

Couple points here.  It is my strange sense of humor reacting to his mother's strange sense of humor.  And he is a grown adult, not one of our players anymore.  While kids in school, hopefully student athletes in the true meaning of the words, they get a pass from me.  Once they are out in the world, grown and hopefully educated adults they are fair game to me.  I rooted for Jeff Ryan every game, but now that he is "history" at YSU, he was a showboat, and not a winner and I was glad to see him go.  I thought Childs was the worst corner I’d ever seen, still do, but I rooted for him every game.
You never used the word stinks; it is my dramatic license, if you will.  But the clear theme here is Hunter is bad and Montgomery is worse.  I think both sentiments are 180 degrees incorrect. 

IAA Fan:
You know, it would be nice if every player red-shirted year-1; scout-teamed year-2, made the roster & scouted in year-3, moved-up and saw playing time in year-4, started in year-5. Unfortunately it does not always happen this way. 2 QB's left our system, which meant no back-up for Hess. So a true frosh ended-up in the starting spot. In reality, he should just be seeing the roster & getting serious work with coach Shane for the first time. Yet he is starting his 14th-game this week. Things are going to come out in every player at this point in their careers & decisions had to be made. So far, coach M has decided to accelerate Davis' training, dropped a nice option package & gave a nice injection into the offense in his use fo Davis.

I do not blame anyone. Wolf is gone & he did have 3-QB's. I respect Montgomery for making the decision to try Nania (even though we all knew it was probably not going to workout). So I also have to respect his decision to start Wells over Davis. I now respect his decision (and ability) to infuse Davis into the offense. However, let's remember that we have a post-season shot & this is not the time to make any abrupt changes in the skill positions.

This being said, we need to let Montgomery put some of his magic back into the offense. Moving to a new QB simply means another 2-years of vanilla. I do blame Montgomery & coach Carm for being short-staffed on the O-Line. That being said, as a team, we were in transition and who knew just how many recruits did not take their offer. I applaud Carm and Monty for being able to bring three "newbies" up to speed in a couple of weeks.

I will not blame anyone for the injuries in our TB's this year & we certainly have quality back-up. I have had questions about coach Bo's hiring of Pepe Pearson, but I do applaud coach M and coach Pepe for keeping our backs going. Pearson is winning me over, but I still suspect that most of this is Montgomery.

go guins:
"Pearson is winning me over, but I still suspect that most of this is Montgomery."
What generally happens with people is one guy relates to one coach/mentor/boss and the other one relates better to a different person.  Probably the case here.  What i do know is we could REALLY use Brock E and Ryan Moore on the OL and RB right about now!


--- Quote from: go guins on November 11, 2015, 10:51:18 AM ---"Pearson is winning me over, but I still suspect that most of this is Montgomery."
What generally happens with people is one guy relates to one coach/mentor/boss and the other one relates better to a different person.  Probably the case here.  What i do know is we could REALLY use Brock E and Ryan Moore on the OL and RB right about now!

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A few points:

Ryan said that Pearson has helped greatly with blocking and field of vision.  He could have played mid to late season, but hoped not to burn the chance at a medical red shirt.  If you have seen him lately, he is a monster.

Brock probably won't be back, but that is based on the computer test for concussions, which I am told he cannot pass. (That may be the flaw in that type of test; don't know). 

I think you will see the benefits of Pearson during recruiting.

We will see what the offensive brain trust does this game.  Can't leave the defense on the field with several 3 and outs and a short field.  Clock management will be crucial if we can hang with the Bisons. 
The D is nursing some injuries too so a well coached game will be critical. 

I hope you and IAA are back on here Saturday evening telling me: "I told you so!"


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