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Bring on the Bison! YSU vs. ND ST. 11/14 2pm.

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Ruiz had a NDSU offer, so it'll be fun to see how he stacks up.
I'm thinking you will trot out your running QB as NDSU has had some troubles with that.
3 days away, lets get this party started!

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: lakesbison on November 11, 2015, 04:27:59 PM ---Ruiz had a NDSU offer, so it'll be fun to see how he stacks up.
I'm thinking you will trot out your running QB as NDSU has had some troubles with that.
3 days away, lets get this party started!

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Ruiz is hurt Lake, but he has been seeing more playing time the past 2-weeks. When he is healthy, he is the top all-around back in the conference. Shorter & hides well, hits like a ton of bricks and good speed. Not the biggest, or the fastest, or the strongest ...but the best.  He cuts well against the grain and has great vision. He is the complete package. You will like him. Or I hope that you don't ;)




--- Quote from: lakesbison on November 11, 2015, 12:15:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on November 10, 2015, 08:44:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 10, 2015, 04:44:34 PM ---
3. I also like the mention of our crowd. Well I have two things to say there.
- We should take notice that someone outside of Youngstown has mentioned & get our butts in the seats.
- Those announcers should realize that 75% of our fan base has never even heard of NDSU. So who we are playing is as much (if not more) of a factor in the low turn-out, than our own team's performance.

I will take that one step further and say that in a normal season ...where we are in the post-season ...NDSU will still be the second-lowest turnout...behind USD. Further yet, I would bet that OVER 90% of the fans (if YSU were to sell out all 21k+ seats) would NOT be able to tell you that NDSU has won the past 4-titles, or even more than 1. Again it is the talk of a self-absorbed group of announcers.

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The last time they played here a couple of their fans sat next to me, they were amazed that more people did not come to the game, if only because we were playing them. They do think highly of themselves. And I agree that most folks in this area do not care about them and most teams in the league. And yes could not name the past 4 NC winners

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ok. so you & I-AA guy both said this now.  I don't agree.   NDSU has been on ESPN at least 10+ times in last 4 years and had ESPN Gameday on campus the past 2 years.  Im pretty sure even college football fans in Youngstown know about NDSU.

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Lake that was not so much a hit on NDSU as a statement about FCS. Maybe things are different in ND but when we had our run in the 90's we were feeling pretty good about ourselves, assumed that EVERYONE knew about YSU football. NOT! Hey YSU just won the NC, that's nice but who do the buckeyes play next?

FCS always has been, currently is and most likely always will be regarded as small time, most people just do not take it seriously, fact. YSU, GSU, Appy you folks, all the same, most people do not care

As far as the league, hey it is a great league, but most OH and PA folks just do not care about most of the schools. Iowa and the Dakotas may as well be on the moon, people just do not get excited about them.

To be honest I would be surprised if many of your fans get excited about playing YSU

The YO Show:

Two things: 1. Probably safer at the hotel despite how cheap property is in Youngstown.
2. Anyone anywhere who follows FCS knows who the Bison are. However, YSU has a hard time having its own "fans" care about it and follow YSU football. I know of people who would wish the penguins well and even come to games, but only if the buckeyes aren't playing then.

The mentality of alot of people is that if its not FBS, you're trying to get me to go watch a junior varsity football game over a varsity team. WE know that is a correct viewpoint, but that is how THEY feel. AND aside from Cincinnati and Ohio State, many of the Ohio FBS teams have very little following. Pretty much EVERYONE is a buckeye fan and would watch Ohio State over YSU, but claim to be YSU fans as well. I know YSU students that really support the team, but said if we had played Ohio State this year "WE would have been killed and I would have cheered for the buckeyes." Its hard to explain to you probably because in North Dakota all you have to choose from for football is NDSU or North Dakota, and well thats not much of a choice  ;)


--- Quote from: ScarletRook on November 11, 2015, 04:27:47 PM ---
Can't even count on the snow to help us as you guys seem to thrive in it.

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You might get a kick out of this: 



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