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Bring on the Bison! YSU vs. ND ST. 11/14 2pm.

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IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on November 10, 2015, 08:53:37 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 10, 2015, 04:44:34 PM ---That video.

1. This is FAR from our super bowl. How arrogant can you be to even say that? Even if we had 5 or more losses, this would not be our super-bowl. This is senior day, we would have the seniors in all game. We have to win 4-in-a-row to even be mentioned as a possible post-season candidate. NDSU happens to be game #3.

2. Talk about their players from Nebraska. Do they even care that Pelini is at YSU? Do you think that their HC is even going to mention anything about that? What kind of positiove mentlity can you develop by saying "Hey ...Pelini thought you sucked so bad he did not even recruit you". What kind of HS mentality are those two guys? Hey I hope their coach does talk extensively about Pelini not recruitng them, that is less time to talk about our team.

3. I also like the mention of our crowd. Well I have two things to say there.
- We should take notice that someone outside of Youngstown has mentioned & get our butts in the seats.
- Those announcers should realize that 75% of our fan base has never even heard of NDSU. So who we are playing is as much (if not more) of a factor in the low turn-out, than our own team's performance.

I will take that one step further and say that in a normal season ...where we are in the post-season ...NDSU will still be the second-lowest turnout...behind USD. Further yet, I would bet that OVER 90% of the fans (if YSU were to sell out all 21k+ seats) would NOT be able to tell you that NDSU has won the past 4-titles, or even more than 1. Again it is the talk of a self-absorbed group of announcers.

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Regarding your 3rd point, in your opinion which two games would be the top two turnouts in a normal season with playoffs?

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Opener and homecoming. So I guess it could be NDSU.

  Many great points and a good discussion here under this topic.  We have an entire generation of fans who only know mediocre football, for some, 1997 or even 1999 was a long time ago.   The student fan base is small, and we are an aging community, where many can't or won't go sit at a football game for 3 hours.  Realistic expectation for attendance with a good team should be 10-12 thousand.

 As for QBS, Ricky Davis is a D-2 QB, period.   Pelini wants a QB who can also run, Wells cannot, so I do believe next years QB is not on the roster.



--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on November 11, 2015, 07:25:54 AM ---  Many great points and a good discussion here under this topic.  We have an entire generation of fans who only know mediocre football, for some, 1997 or even 1999 was a long time ago.   The student fan base is small, and we are an aging community, where many can't or won't go sit at a football game for 3 hours.  Realistic expectation for attendance with a good team should be 10-12 thousand.

 As for QBS, Ricky Davis is a D-2 QB, period.   Pelini wants a QB who can also run, Wells cannot, so I do believe next years QB is not on the roster.

--- End quote ---

Hahahahaha. a D-2 QB? Jesus. That's the funniest thing I've heard all year on this board.

go guins:

Hahahahaha. a D-2 QB? Jesus. That's the funniest thing I've heard all year on this board.
What's so funny, you don't think he can play at D-2 either?


--- Quote from: guinpen on November 10, 2015, 08:44:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 10, 2015, 04:44:34 PM ---
3. I also like the mention of our crowd. Well I have two things to say there.
- We should take notice that someone outside of Youngstown has mentioned & get our butts in the seats.
- Those announcers should realize that 75% of our fan base has never even heard of NDSU. So who we are playing is as much (if not more) of a factor in the low turn-out, than our own team's performance.

I will take that one step further and say that in a normal season ...where we are in the post-season ...NDSU will still be the second-lowest turnout...behind USD. Further yet, I would bet that OVER 90% of the fans (if YSU were to sell out all 21k+ seats) would NOT be able to tell you that NDSU has won the past 4-titles, or even more than 1. Again it is the talk of a self-absorbed group of announcers.

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The last time they played here a couple of their fans sat next to me, they were amazed that more people did not come to the game, if only because we were playing them. They do think highly of themselves. And I agree that most folks in this area do not care about them and most teams in the league. And yes could not name the past 4 NC winners

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ok. so you & I-AA guy both said this now.  I don't agree.   NDSU has been on ESPN at least 10+ times in last 4 years and had ESPN Gameday on campus the past 2 years.  Im pretty sure even college football fans in Youngstown know about NDSU.


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