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Bring on the Bison! YSU vs. ND ST. 11/14 2pm.

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Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: go guins on November 10, 2015, 11:10:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on November 10, 2015, 10:58:35 AM ---Look at who leads the MVFC in passing efficiency:


Wells has thrown an INT in every MVFC game.  He threw two in the USD game, and two versus MSU (one called back due to an unrelated opponent penalty).  He has thrown two pick 6's......but he's going to deliver the near flawless execution required for the NDSU game?

--- End quote ---
Is DAVIS going to deliver flawless execution???  Davis is the backup for a reason.  He isn't as good as Wells.  You guys treat this like: "what the heck is wrong with Montgomery?  Why does he play Hunter Wells when he has Russell Wilson on the bench??"  Nothing against Ricky, but he's no Hunter Wells, much less Russell Wilson.

--- End quote ---


#6:    7
#12:  0

Davis w/ a higher % completion rate.

Yards rushing:

#12:  120 yards (fourth leading YSU rusher)
#6:     minus 40 (!)


The best predictor of future performance is past performance.

go guins:
C'mon man?!?!?!  You can't possibly be serious.  Take away the surprise 85 yard TD and Davis is averaging LESS THAN 10 PASSING YARDS PER GAME!!!  You want to drop Hunter's 200 yards per game in favor of Ricky's less than 10 because "The best predictor of future performance is past performance." 
Not to mention the fact that to take your advise, we would be agreeing that you are better qualified to be the HC than is Bo??  Really?  I bet even you don't actually believe that!
Most popular guy on most any team is the backup QB, UNTIL they get the start!  I remember all the chants for Brady Quinn, Charlie Fry, you name it, every back-up is great until he starts.  Read the press in Dallas after Romo hurt and how good We-done was going to do as a back-up. 

Penguin Nation:
Go Guins,  just presenting the facts. Did u watch the video from NDSU? Did you hear them discuss Wellls' shortcomings?

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on November 10, 2015, 03:09:06 PM ---Go Guins,  just presenting the facts. Did u watch the video from NDSU? Did you hear them discuss Wellls' shortcomings?

--- End quote ---
What, you think the decision on starting QB should be taken away from Pelini and given to NDSU??!?!?!?!?!

Of course Wells has shortcomings.  So does Tom Brady, although granted, somewhat less than Hunter.  In fact, what they said about Brady coming out of Michigan was a lot like what you guys are saying about Wells.  Can't run, OK but not strong arm etc.  and I quote "Summary: Is not what you’re looking for in terms of physical stature, strength, arm strength and mobility,"

I'm just saying that, IMO, your premise that since Davis has -0- interceptions he's the better QB is nieve and silly. Good grief, I don't have any INT's either! 

IAA Fan:
That video.

1. This is FAR from our super bowl. How arrogant can you be to even say that? Even if we had 5 or more losses, this would not be our super-bowl. This is senior day, we would have the seniors in all game. We have to win 4-in-a-row to even be mentioned as a possible post-season candidate. NDSU happens to be game #3.

2. Talk about their players from Nebraska. Do they even care that Pelini is at YSU? Do you think that their HC is even going to mention anything about that? What kind of positiove mentlity can you develop by saying "Hey ...Pelini thought you sucked so bad he did not even recruit you". What kind of HS mentality are those two guys? Hey I hope their coach does talk extensively about Pelini not recruitng them, that is less time to talk about our team.

3. I also like the mention of our crowd. Well I have two things to say there.
- We should take notice that someone outside of Youngstown has mentioned & get our butts in the seats.
- Those announcers should realize that 75% of our fan base has never even heard of NDSU. So who we are playing is as much (if not more) of a factor in the low turn-out, than our own team's performance.

I will take that one step further and say that in a normal season ...where we are in the post-season ...NDSU will still be the second-lowest turnout...behind USD. Further yet, I would bet that OVER 90% of the fans (if YSU were to sell out all 21k+ seats) would NOT be able to tell you that NDSU has won the past 4-titles, or even more than 1. Again it is the talk of a self-absorbed group of announcers.


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