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Bring on the Bison! YSU vs. ND ST. 11/14 2pm.

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Since the loss to S.D.S.U. this team has made great strides. They could've very easily folded after the loss to Southern but didn't. The coaches will have the players ready for the Bison. It will come down to execution and in game adjustments. I look for a tight game..it could go either way

Most Bison fans feel that since it's November YSU will fold as in previous years--NDSU is now playing outstanding ball and it will take a supreme effort to defeat them.I remember the first time I saw them @ Stambaugh when most felt they would beat us by 50 points--their fans were walking around shell-shocked after that one.I also remember when we had the game in the bag @ Stambaugh and Wolf decided to go for a td instead of running the clock down and winning it with a fg.We took the fg and stupidly left a minute on the clock so they could come back and score.It is November but since Wolf is gone we may have different results.Hopefully we smack this team from the get go and keep smackin em till the final play.USD proved they're not invincible and I remember a few years back we went to the Fargodome and knocked them on their ass. fb

They will likely shut our run game down and we will throw a pick 6.  Defense will keep it close.  We will need them to create some turnovers.  Special Teams will be critical and may have to win it.  Our offense is not good enough to score more than 1 TD on them.  Heck we may not score one TD.  This will need to be a team effort and the offense must not F *** this game up with turnovers or mismanagement of the clock.  Defense is going to get a lot of playing time.  We won't be able to win TOP vs their defense.  I see another Montgomery meltdown.

They will shut the run down, as they always do. Wells is going to have to be on point. Cautiously optimistic. Defense will have to get some pressure on the QB and create a couple turnovers. I just think they beat us up front and pull away late for a win. Haven't seen enough from the O-Line to say otherwise.


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