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Youngstown St. Football recruiting 2016 news, info, rumors

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go guins:
Brandon has great size and is truly a "dual threat" QB which Hunter definitely is not.  Don't know the school or the opponents, but looking that good in video and recruited that lightly, the competition must be terrible.


--- Quote from: go guins on October 26, 2015, 04:56:39 PM ---Brandon has great size and is truly a "dual threat" QB which Hunter definitely is not.  Don't know the school or the opponents, but looking that good in video and recruited that lightly, the competition must be terrible.

--- End quote ---

Correct. Pass.

go guins:
Good players can't come from small schools that face inferior competition?  IMO, this kid bears some additional investigation.  You aren't going to get the obvious stud from St Eds etc.  At YSU, you need to find the guy on the fringe. 

Just take that video with a grain of salt is all I'm saying. A lot of you praised #6 coming out of high school with all the numbers and awards he was putting up. At least this kid is playing Division 2, region 5. Same as Boardman, but competition still doesn't look all that great.... Hey, at least he's mobile ;)

Watkins  Memorial is just east of Columbus off !-70 in Licking county. NOT a hotbed of football and usually playing smaller, weaker programs. One of the teams looked like Licking Valley. Not good competition and he didn't look all that great. Other colleges must be thinking the same as me. As of July 2015, he was still waiting on his first offer.



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