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Facts are Facts after our loss to the Rabbits!

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I do think we have a talented group of receiver's but they are putting very little effort into running their routes and getting open along with the drops. Wells is throwing the ball very poorly and his decision making has been very bad. I feel he has lost confidence in his receivers..Maybe a qb change should be considered..at this point i feel it wouldn't hurt to try


--- Quote from: ScarletRook on October 18, 2015, 11:18:34 AM ---I didn't see Tanner on the sidelines and he was not the holder.... gone too?

--- End quote ---
Not sure if Tanner was on the sidelines or not, but I did notice #11 QB Nathan Mays with head sets on I never recalled that being the case before

That was one of my nitpicks with Wolf. Recruited too many "athletes" but not enough "football" players. This team will not go far until Montgomery is gone and the offense changes.

Just curious who is the defensive secondary coach? What I seen in coverage was very disturbing. Couldn't even cover twins and switch on a simple X ..leaving the slant across the middle wide open

Richard McNutt. Played at Ohio State for JT and a well respected recruiter and coach. Secondary actually has been very solid. Give this staff time.


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