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Pelini embarrassed and disappointed

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go guins:
Hey paladin-wit 3-6-7-8-7 isn't "up every year"


--- Quote from: paladin on October 19, 2015, 02:11:14 PM ---Are we having "fun" yet ?  8)

1. Pelini's first recruit class was a stinker.

2. As I warned, the QB has issues. But the cheerleaders told you I didn't know sic em.

3. I predicted a 7-4 season, worse than Wolf, but also said all bets were off if they had injuries as there was no depth on the OL.

4. Keep that   hype coming as it exposes the AD in all the messes here ( MBB included).

5. Warning -- more "fun" coming.

6. And  NO -- attendance won't improve.

7. Finally, the D isn't all that great. Who gets credit for that  -- Pelini, the D genius or Stoops the "supposed" DC ?

And now back to the regularly scheduled hype program.

--- End quote ---

Are we having "fun" yet ?  No this is going as expected, but not what I hoped for.

1. Pelini's first recruit class was a stinker. How so? 92% of this year's players are from Wolfman's tenure. #3 who plays light out is BP's and #57 a true FR is a LS, #91 is on the "D" as a back up.

2. As I warned, the QB has issues. But the cheerleaders told you I didn't know sic em. You got me there. What could you expect from a Wolfman recruit,,,

3. I predicted a 7-4 season, worse than Wolf, but also said all bets were off if they had injuries as there was no depth on the OL. No depth on the "O" Line? I guess YSU needs a review of the 17 scholarships given out to the "O" line and reconsider them.

4. Keep that   hype coming as it exposes the AD in all the messes here ( MBB included). What can you say? AD see's $$ signs before athletic excellence.

5. Warning -- more "fun" coming. Thanks I'm sure after Bo weeds out all the crapola players recruited here before his time we'll have some fun  :D

6. And  NO -- attendance won't improve. Agreed. Not until the playoff's come back.

7. Finally, the D isn't all that great. Who gets credit for that  -- Pelini, the D genius or Stoops the "supposed" DC ? Sorry the "D" is above average and will get better after YSU can find an "O" coordinator and football player tough and ready to play every week. I'm surprised on Stoops myself. Should have cleaned house (Monty and Stoops).

Funny how you mentioned the speed and athletism of the players brought here under W? I see big Mid western/Northern guys run circles around the fast kids at YSU  ;D

IAA Fan:
Paladin: Didn't you invent the internet as well?

-Who did not see issues with a frosh QB?

-Who expected anything spectacular from a first-year coach and staff? We may have expected a bit more when we had to take more from the media with the hiring of Carl, but we did get a good coach on D.

-Who did not scratch their heads when Stoops was moved to DC?

-Who on this board did not tell you that your "hated hype" will do you no good, as there were and still are not any expectations coming into 2015?

-Who did not tell you that Wolf's recruiting was all a hype ...yet you constantly bragged. (outside of NLOI day when you have to trash something)?

-I personally never said Pelini was anything, Quite frankly I did not want to hire him. However, I am very glad he is here and every year we keep him here is wonderful for the program.

-This might be hard for you to believe, but the executive AD is nothing but "a bean counter" at any school in the US that can afford more than one. Athletics all about the $$$ and be thankful yours (err uhmm ours) is a good one. As YSU now has one of the nicest campuses around. Imagine a commuter school when he came in and now a destination school for so many students and student athletes.

-Attendance. Are you not the one that spearheads "butts in the seats" campaign? Take a look at the stands, as I am actually quite impressed with attendance so far.

-You are nothing but a blow-hard, knowing that none of us would care enough to track your idiotic comments. But for those who might be sick of reading them ...you can click on "Members" and see all the versions of Paladin and look at his posts. Unfortunately, I do have to delete in order to keep the speed of the board up, but you can bet there is plenty more BS still on the board.

570 Wkbn @ 7 BP and running back coach..make sure you tune in !!

Very nice comments by Dale Lennon head coach of SIU on YSU. Quote: They return the best talent in the conference and they are by far the most talented team we will face all season long


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