YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Noiseless Crowd

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Note  -- most of the people who leave at the half or 3rd qtr. are folks who got FREE tickets as employees or customers of businesses who bought up blocks of tickets. While many tickets aren't used on a week to week basis, this does NOT create fans who  come using a free ticket. They are killing time before their next engagement.  Watched that for years in the  Penguin Club seats when asking who they were and why they were there since they didn't show up week to week.

That game was the chance to impress the casuals who made the trip to check out the new coach and his team.

I don't expect many back with ANY regularity. Why would you? There are tons of games on TV and espn3...plus all the other great Fall activities that aren't football.

We had a chance to grab local interest and for the most part failed. Not only with the loss, but the Mickey Mouse refereeing job made the game no better run that a JV game.

It seemed bush league, and took away from what should have been a great matchup of top 10 teams. Instead it was a disjointed, seemingly 1 sided screw job.

Why submit yourself to that aggravation if you aren't already a fan?


--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on October 13, 2015, 02:44:20 PM ---That game was the chance to impress the casuals who made the trip to check out the new coach and his team.

I don't expect many back with ANY regularity. Why would you? There are tons of games on TV and espn3...plus all the other great Fall activities that aren't football.

We had a chance to grab local interest and for the most part failed. Not only with the loss, but the Mickey Mouse refereeing job made the game no better run that a JV game.

It seemed bush league, and took away from what should have been a great matchup of top 10 teams. Instead it was a disjointed, seemingly 1 sided screw job.

Hahahaha it's Youngstown in October on a Sat afternoon, please don't make it sound like there are so many things to do better than attending a division 1 football game.  Division 1 college football in your back yard but nah I will sit home and watch Boston College because that is so great.  This type of mentality is exactly what is wrong with the Valley when it comes to supporting this university.  Yah they lost, but they were competitive and it was a top 5 team in our own league.  If people can't see the improvements with this team then do us all a favor and those people just stay home because we don't want that type of fair weather fan anyhow.  Bottom line is it's football and you will get bad calls from time to time.  Wells knee was down before the ball crossed the goal line that wasn't a bad call and as far as the onside kick.  There was no penalty because the ball wasn't advanced forward.  The referee clearly didn't explain it properly hence the confusion.
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Then it appears we agree for the most part. OSU and ND will continue to keep people home...nothing new. Why change?

Geneva plays football 3 minutes from my house and I couldn't tell you a single opponent they played or how they have done at all over the last 15 years.

Am I supposed to care just because they are here? I have no affiliation with the school.

I don't fault those who choose to do other things with their time. A big quiet crowd will look good in the next hype video but it was no home field advantage. It made no difference if they were there or not.

--- Quote from: JP21 on October 13, 2015, 03:03:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on October 13, 2015, 02:44:20 PM ---That game was the chance to impress the casuals who made the trip to check out the new coach and his team.

I don't expect many back with ANY regularity. Why would you? There are tons of games on TV and espn3...plus all the other great Fall activities that aren't football.

We had a chance to grab local interest and for the most part failed. Not only with the loss, but the Mickey Mouse refereeing job made the game no better run that a JV game.

It seemed bush league, and took away from what should have been a great matchup of top 10 teams. Instead it was a disjointed, seemingly 1 sided screw job.

Hahahaha it's Youngstown in October on a Sat afternoon, please don't make it sound like there are so many things to do better than attending a division 1 football game.  Division 1 college football in your back yard but nah I will sit home and watch Boston College because that is so great.  This type of mentality is exactly what is wrong with the Valley when it comes to supporting this university.  Yah they lost, but they were competitive and it was a top 5 team in our own league.  If people can't see the improvements with this team then do us all a favor and those people just stay home because we don't want that type of fair weather fan anyhow.  Bottom line is it's football and you will get bad calls from time to time.  Wells knee was down before the ball crossed the goal line that wasn't a bad call and as far as the onside kick.  There was no penalty because the ball wasn't advanced forward.  The referee clearly didn't explain it properly hence the confusion.

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Geneva isn't division 1 huge difference.  I don't fault people either who want to do other things with their time when there are options worth doing but In Youngstown there aren't a lot of options.  A lot of people that live in Youngstown root for Ohio State and ND why?  I would be willing to bet most people that root for OSU or ND couldn't even get accepted into the school it's laughable yet people support the program.  So if people live in Youngstown and grew up here or went to school at YSU they should be at the games.  Seeing a big crowd loud or not does a lot for the psyche of the kids.

--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on October 13, 2015, 04:04:38 PM ---Then it appears we agree for the most part. OSU and ND will continue to keep people home...nothing new. Why change?

Geneva plays football 3 minutes from my house and I couldn't tell you a single opponent they played or how they have done at all over the last 15 years.

Am I supposed to care just because they are here? I have no affiliation with the school.

I don't fault those who choose to do other things with their time. A big quiet crowd will look good in the next hype video but it was no home field advantage. It made no difference if they were there or not.

--- Quote from: JP21 on October 13, 2015, 03:03:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on October 13, 2015, 02:44:20 PM ---That game was the chance to impress the casuals who made the trip to check out the new coach and his team.

I don't expect many back with ANY regularity. Why would you? There are tons of games on TV and espn3...plus all the other great Fall activities that aren't football.

We had a chance to grab local interest and for the most part failed. Not only with the loss, but the Mickey Mouse refereeing job made the game no better run that a JV game.

It seemed bush league, and took away from what should have been a great matchup of top 10 teams. Instead it was a disjointed, seemingly 1 sided screw job.

Hahahaha it's Youngstown in October on a Sat afternoon, please don't make it sound like there are so many things to do better than attending a division 1 football game.  Division 1 college football in your back yard but nah I will sit home and watch Boston College because that is so great.  This type of mentality is exactly what is wrong with the Valley when it comes to supporting this university.  Yah they lost, but they were competitive and it was a top 5 team in our own league.  If people can't see the improvements with this team then do us all a favor and those people just stay home because we don't want that type of fair weather fan anyhow.  Bottom line is it's football and you will get bad calls from time to time.  Wells knee was down before the ball crossed the goal line that wasn't a bad call and as far as the onside kick.  There was no penalty because the ball wasn't advanced forward.  The referee clearly didn't explain it properly hence the confusion.

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