YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Bad calls

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How much were the refs paid?  I will double it.

Not sure if this is true but they announced that Chuck Feeney from Illinois is the official that overturned it--since the governor of Illinois was watching this game it might've been a freebie. :-* :'(

FIXED FIXED FIXED!!! How could you EVER overturn that call? That is unbelievable to me. And then the kickoff my god, that's a re-kick all day long, tomorrow and next week. Worst referees I have ever seen in all my years of life. Unbelievable!

Sick to my stomach about that loss.


--- Quote from: SoupCity on October 11, 2015, 08:35:14 AM ---On second thought, I'll just leave this forum on my own.  Jackasses like FB93 are what make me literally HATE this forum.  I won't be back, you can delete my account.  I won't even view this bullsh** anymore.

--- End quote ---

Don't leave because of this idiot.


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