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Ill st recap

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--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 11, 2015, 06:33:52 PM ---I just want to honestly know why everyone is so high on Ricky Davis? I'm not saying he would be a bad QB, but honestly, why is he the answer to our problems? Because he's mobile?

--- End quote ---
Yo- Qb's on just about every level today are judged on 2 things win and losses. If you don't win that creates controversy and gossip. IMO Wells played good enough in the losses to Pitt and Illinois St. to pick up the win. The defense didn't, and that also goes for the players around Wells. That is why it's a team sport and you win and lose as a team. In the game of football you need to throw. If Ricky could throw he would've been giving the opportunity a long time ago. Hunter is just a sophomore and a team captain..That speaks volumes

IAA Fan:
Good points Fever. One thing that no one is mentioning here ...safety. Montgomery does not want his QB's to be running with the ball and neither do I. Look at how many times Roberson has been out and he has been a relatively healthy QB (as mobile QBs go). Half the reason that UNI never reaches their potential is because their starting QB's never make it through the season. The Panthers have a back-up in right now, they started their season with him.

There is no doubt in my mind that YSU wins ...going away... last night had Kolbe stayed in the game.


--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on October 11, 2015, 07:57:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 11, 2015, 06:33:52 PM ---I just want to honestly know why everyone is so high on Ricky Davis? I'm not saying he would be a bad QB, but honestly, why is he the answer to our problems? Because he's mobile?

--- End quote ---
Yo- Qb's on just about every level today are judged on 2 things win and losses. If you don't win that creates controversy and gossip. IMO Wells played good enough in the losses to Pitt and Illinois St. to pick up the win. The defense didn't, and that also goes for the players around Wells. That is why it's a team sport and you win and lose as a team. In the game of football you need to throw. If Ricky could throw he would've been giving the opportunity a long time ago. Hunter is just a sophomore and a team captain..That speaks volumes

--- End quote ---

I wouldn't blame either loss completely on the defense. If you take away the KO return for a TD against Pitt and a pick 6 this week, we could have won both games. Our Defense is better than anybody could have hoped for this year, anyway, Ricky can throw and he is a sophomore also. Go Guins! (All the Quins)

YSU won their national championships with running QB's. Just saying ;)

IAA Fan:
Let's do a real recap:

1) ILS drive: YSU stops them on the goal line. (Kolbe at QB)
2) YSU drive: Wells INT for a TD. Defense stood tall and a mistake shifted everything.
3) YSU drive:  YSU TD. Nice use of the TB's in passing situations. Get Ruiz and Webb out beyond the LOS.
4) ILS drive: just begins drive and 1st quarter ends.

+4) ILS drive: ends in punt (Kolbe at QB)
5) YSU drive: ends in punt.
6) ILS Drive: TD (Roberson at QB)
7) YSU drive: punt
8) ILS drive: punt
9) YSU drive FG

First half comments:
- Kolbe was ineffective against us.
- We were not prepared for Roberson. Not saying that we did not practice for him, we just were not prepared for his ability in "real time". However, we did a fairly good job against him.
- There were 9 drives in the first half: YSU had 5 chances and ILS had 4 chances to score. YSU offense produces 10-points (2 scores), while ILS offesne produced 7-points (1 score). ILS defense produces 7-points (1 score). There were no missed FG's, so the remaining drives were all stops. In short, we outplayed them on both sides of the ball. Yet we are down 14-10.
- We left 4-points on the field and the INT for score. Should be 14-7 "good guys" at the half.

1) YSU drive: Field goal.
2) ILS drive: Field goal.

3) YSU drive: Score (TD)
4) ILS drive: Score (TD). I will also point out that YSU had them in 3rd and long on the 26 and the 39.
5) YSU drive: Score (Field Goal)
6) ILS drive: Score (TD)
7) YSU drive: Score (TD)
8) ILS drive: took a knee (do not count)

Second half comments:

- There were 7 drives in the second half and all of them resulted in scores.  YSU had 4 drives while ILS had 3. ILS produced 17-points, YSU produced 19-points.
- YSU left 8-points on the field. ILS left 4-points on the field.
- YSU offense under-produced, but did manage to score on all 4 of their drives, while the defense failed to produce a second-half stop that did not result in fg.
- We did have a special teams Snafu; but it resulted in a TD, not the field goal.


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