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--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 06, 2015, 10:39:11 AM ---You think so train?  Heck the game against Saint francis had a bigger than half capacity crowd before it started raining it seemed like. Maybe im wrong but I would think a great turnout for a game where we play a ranked team now at home.

--- End quote ---

Plus 1 ^^

Should be more correct with "butts in seats". Ticket sales is what  I said it would be in pre-season with dummy businessmen buying up tickets with all the Bo hype and still not being able to get employees or customers to use them and attend games. I'm told actual butts in seats attendance is barely half capacity and drops quickly. Even with wins, I see the butts in seats falling off as the season plays out.

Unfortunately, I don't think the AD cares if there are "butts in the seats" or just tickets sold.  From a bean counting stand point it all pays the same.  I had hoped that there would be a concerted effort to bring in fans aside from the usual promotional giveaways.  Sadly - it appears they have taken the "if we win they will come <eventually, we hope> attitude.
Paladin - back to you in the booth.

Maybe not this week, maybe not this year, but when we start winning the big games the crowds will come. I recall the first home game after we won our first title, I assumed that it would be a sellout so I got my tickets way early, got to the game way early, was shocked when there were so many empty seats.

It took a year or so before the really big crowds showed up.

Hang in there Bo, just keep winning and it will happen.

The climate has changed dramatically since we were good 15 to 20 years ago.  Every major power is on network or cable tv each week.  Large screen, high definition televisions entice casual fans to stay home and forego trips to a stadium.  The only schools that can draw impressively below the elite P5 level are the primary state universities in small population states (NDSU, Montana, Delaware before they stunk.)   We will probably never match the figures from the late 90s, but everything is relative.  We are still much healthier in terms of support than places like Akron and Kent State.


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