YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

South Dakota - In Game

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If this offensive line doesn't start to gel, could be a long year.  I thought they were supposed to be good?

I THINK WE MAY HAVE DONE JUST ENOUGH TO WIN....  The way you guys talk we won 2-0

Defense was dominating. I do think USD was a little overrated. QB isn't very good. But we have to HAVE to fix the offense. Teams are gonna exploit is going forward, as in past years.

Nice win for the penguins today! 31-3 is a nice sound win to open up in the MVFC. Got a big one coming up next with Ill State!! Looking forward to it. Let's go guins! And in regards to the ysufan who said that Rivers could be playing on Sundays, I couldn't agree with you anymore. Rivers is put together, athletic, smart, and flat out play.

The YO Show:
The offense needs to clean it up, but lets be happy here. The defense is looking great! And we beat a team that is trending up, that we usually struggle against, by a large margin. Starting conference play 1-0 is nice.


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