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Eric Wolford Interview

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I wasn't trying to start a conspiracy. Just stating that he said after Tressel and Strollo met, that's when they decided to let him go. Good class by Wolf, seems like he's in a good place in his life.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on September 23, 2015, 11:27:37 PM ---Wolford demonstrated a lot of class during that interview.  But let's not build some sort of conspiracy theory about the coaching change.  Remember that Wolford was given only a one year contract extension.  He understood perfectly well that it was playoffs or bust.  Those inexcusable home losses to Western Illinois and Indiana State sealed his fate.

The idea that Tressel always knew that he would replace Wolford with Pelini is just silly.  That all became possible only because of that enormous severance package that guaranteed riches to Pelini until sometime in 2019.  Nonetheless Tressel was the deciding factor here.  If Tressel is not the president, Pelini does not come here.  He basically said as much when he was introduced as our head coach.  Given his terrible relationship with Nebraska officials, a supportive administration that he could trust was an absolute priority for Pelini.

--- End quote ---


I guess I just really disliked Coach Wolford, even more than I thought.  I stopped listening after he made the whole "I understand the new President wants his guy" explanation.  To me, it was just another excuse to not admit that he didn't get the job done.  I didn't like it from day 1, the whole blame game and it never being his fault as the head coach.  Or how he'll make sure that he gets everything he wants next time.  Didn't like it then, don't like it now. 

IAA Fan:
Yes Soup, you know sometimes it really is just in Wolf's mannerisms. Coach H and to a much greater degree coach T had a better way of saying things. I am certain that all three of them want the same thing, but previous coaches might have said something like "I will make certain that I have everything in place to be successful, or help me make the team/program more successful". Just a different way of saying the same thing. I do not think Wolf deliberately says things with any ill-will, he always seems driven and motivated. Another example (from the interview) is when he mentioned that he had other opportunities. That is all well-and-good, but he needed to emphasize that he wanted to stay at YSU and tell us why. Then again, it is much easier to "armchair quarterback" an interview, than to actually be interviewed. So I could be full of crap.

I think that we also have to realize that Heacock and Tressel would gladly have stayed here forever; likewise the school wanted them both to be here forever. I am not so certain that Wolf would have ever become "part of the fabric" that is YSU; but his sons program, great wife and some local involvement, all of the items seemed to be in place for that to happen. Certainly it was, in part, his personality.

Why is this on the YSU Penguins Athletics page  ??? Move it to the BS page  ;)


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